After some simple tests with various lenses on my new 40D I was surprised
by the result:
a picture taken with an EF-S 17-85 lens at 75 mm focal length shows
a smaller subject than the exact same scene and settings with an
EF-75-300 lens, also at 75 mm. I've retested the setup by comparing the
EF-S 17-85 at 70 mm and a EF 70-300 mm lens also at 70 mm.
From all discussion on the web and your article on this topic I would have
assumed that even though the EF-S lenses are designed only to fit APS-C
type of bodies, they still behave as a 35 mm lens. Even more, Canon states
on its website that the EF-S lenses should also be multiplied with a 1.6 factor.
Is my understanding correct that due to the shorter distance between the back
of the EF-S lenses and the sensor, the 1.6 crop factor is corrected but that the
DOF effects remain applicable to a 1.6 factor magnification.
I'm still quite puzzled by the results and would appreciate it very much if anyone
could shed some light on the results.