Oh I don't know....How do we make fairy cakes...you know the ones with candy pink icing and coloured ball bearings on top (don't you dare post a recipe Katy)I'll try, but what's the question?
Any thing but focus blur...I spent an hour photographing shoes, perfume bottles and other girlie stuff just so I could mess about with blurry backgrounds. I had to give myself a good slap rounf the chops with a bag of frozen peas when I caught my self considering smearing the lower half of my specs with Vaseline so I could have permanent depth of field preview.
Steve, you nearly owed me a new laptop then as you caused me to splurk my wine across the monitor.
and i for 1 would really like Katy's recipe for fairy cakes with candy pink icing and ball bearings on top..
Not exactly the image of myself that I was trying to cultivate with you ladies....but you have to work with what you haveperhaps whilst wearing a pair of wirevixen's shoes - for culinary inspiration purposes only of course
Anyway WireVixens shoes will not fit me....I tried....and fell off..... I am a dainty UK12 and she is a UK6. Can you microwave fairy cakes?
I was going to make one with little hearts on top but you have mortally wounded me in the trouser department
Oh...and anyone who has enough time on their hands to provide C&C on the cake pic vill be transferred directly to Stalag Luft POTN
It was ever so funny to read your request for:
Because, I had just unwrapped this:Oh I don't know....How do we make fairy cakes...you know the ones with candy pink icing and coloured ball bearings on top (don't you dare post a recipe Katy)
Make mine a super grande fairycake! Just make sure that it has a butter or whipped cream frosting, please!
Awww, no, Colin! and I resisted! (It was a shortening frosting.) The men in the household, however, did really enjoy it but, afterwards, our dog got up on the table and helped herself when we weren't looking.
Oh well, my caramel slice was nice too (as was the chicken burger & fries & frozen Coke!).
This has nothing to do with photography but, since I've been baited by a moderator (in two separate threads, no less.) I feel that I must finally respond.
The scones! I do make the best scone in the world. It's just like that. When I had the idea to open a tea room, I realized that I needed to have a scone that was up to my standards. Suzy originally gave me a recipe that she had gotten from a magazine but had changed one vital ingredient - we call this "the secret ingredient". I, then, took the recipe and worked on it for SIX MONTHS. (There was batch, after batch, after batch.... I had to keep finding groups of women to try them out on.) I removed 1/4 of the ingredients, added one and, then, dramatically altered the amounts and ratios of the rest. I completely changed the work flow and how they were put together and handled so that they come out perfectly. It's a completely different breed of scone than the original recipe. My closing remark (which I might get absolutely fried for if she sees this) - I have a very deft touch when making them. The scones have substance and gorgeous flavor but are not heavy. I wasn't trying to compete, it just happened and someone pointed it out - that they're the best they're the best in the world. We put it in our advertising. Since, then, I've had several bakers (from Devon, no less) and world traveling connoisseurs who have conceded to me - and, even, one, whose wife had laid serious claim to the title - jumped ship and awarded me the title. That is the whole story and nothing but the truth. Suzy makes a lovely scone and is responsible for thinking up the secret ingredient but, well, the recipe was hard earned and is mine.
I'll bet that you lot have never heard me be so serious!
This beautiful scone was made by Suzy and styled by me....
Last edited by Katy Noelle; 10th January 2011 at 01:54 PM.
Well, like was said before - We're all going to have to go to Vermont to do a field test!
I've heard about those..... Yes, definitely hot enough! What do you put on them?
It sounds like we have the menu for the CiC Convention....
I'm sure that Donald or Mike will know just what to pick to go with that.
btw, don't you just love it how it's still "Today!" (er, the name of the thread, in case anyone's wondering what that meant....)
I just think it's kind of cool whee this thread has gone really and your changing of the scone recipe could be quite a metaphor for post processing a photograph...recipe-workflow-deft touch.....I love it
who said we stray off topic here