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Thread: Home Studio Lighting

  1. #1

    Home Studio Lighting

    I'm looking to find an inexpensive solution to make a home lighting set-up to photograph a friend of mine's work for her online shop (she makes dresses/clothing). I tried to do some research online as to what type of lights work best, how to position them, background material, etc. etc. etc., and I'm not coming up with a whole lot of good ideas. Does anyone have any tips they care to share? Can you guy basic "floodlights" from a hardware store and diffuse the light a little bit to make a nice set-up? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Home Studio Lighting

    Hi TG,

    You can do it with tungsten work lights, but a better option is probably to just grab a couple of inexpensive studio strobes from Amazon - complete with softboxes) for a couple of hundred. You'll also need a background (probably white seemless paper), and a tripod.

    Does this help?

  3. #3

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    Re: Home Studio Lighting

    Inexpesnive can be a relative term...relative to the size of your pocketbook. I can give you two websites to research: and these are places I buy a lot of my school supplies from and they are quite efficient and relative to most anywhere else, they are price-minded. Freestyle has a decent 2 strobe setup w.umbrellas for $239.00 US. they sell 16" soft boxes for $62.99 each to help tone down the light strength.

    If you want to go non-strobe, you can get a basic three light set/stands (sans bulbs) for $149.

    B&H has more stuff than I could list if Ihad ten pages and that much time.

    Hope this helps.

  4. #4

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    Re: Home Studio Lighting

    cant really help with lighting but i think its important to get the wares right, make sure you either have a model or a dummy and make sure the clothes look good on it/her,
    have a blank background so there are no distractions, if you can sex it up a bit (depending on where your selling) so much the better,
    that may have sounded odd but i remember seeing something on ebay years ago where two dresses were modeled, the plain one got 120 views whilst the one showing a bit of pants got over 6000 views, i guess there is some truth in the saying that sex sells,
    on the home lighting i would say its best to use natural ligjht when you can, you can use a couple of bedside lamps shining down to light the subjects , just make sure you get the white balance right for the colours, you dont want someone ordering mauve and getting pink,(prolly a good idea to include a disclaimer about colours may not match what your computer screen see's),
    only jesting but a few ideas to be going on with, cheers martyn

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