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Thread: Where to buy ND Grad Filters???

  1. #1

    Where to buy ND Grad Filters???

    I'm looking to invest in a set of ND grad filters.

    1. Does anyone have recommendations as to what brand to buy? I've read some filter tips online and everyone seems to recommend the rectangular "plate" filters as opposed to the screw-in format, and I agree. Just not sure what brand will give me best value for price (looking for middle of road, nothing extremely expensive)
    2. Does anyone know where to find them online!? I've been to the Cokin and Lee websites, and I can't seem to find any pricing or ordering forms, etc. If you search for this type of thing on Amazon it shows that all products are sold out. What is going on, are these extremely hot commodities or something?

    Appreciate your help in advance.

  2. #2
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: Where to buy ND Grad Filters???

    Depends on the size. I just bought a 77mm and a (no name) 82mm from

  3. #3

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    Re: Where to buy ND Grad Filters???

    Definately avoid screw in GNDs; you can't adjust the transition zone.

    I use singh-ray exclusively (in a Lee foundation kit), but they're top-tier pricing I'm afraid (but worth every cent) (and you can order direct from the website).

  4. #4
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: Where to buy ND Grad Filters???

    Sorry, misread the question. Missed the "grad" bit

    Quote Originally Posted by whited3 View Post
    Depends on the size. I just bought a 77mm and a (no name) 82mm from

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    Re: Where to buy ND Grad Filters???

    Quote Originally Posted by whited3 View Post
    Sorry, misread the question. Missed the "grad" bit
    No GRADuation for you then!

  6. #6

    Re: Where to buy ND Grad Filters???

    does it really matter what size you buy? say for instance i have a 58mm lens right now and in the future i'll purchase a 77mm...shouldn't i just buy a 77mm filter now? it should work the same exact way on the 58 correct?

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    Re: Where to buy ND Grad Filters???

    Quote Originally Posted by gibbstom13 View Post
    does it really matter what size you buy? say for instance i have a 58mm lens right now and in the future i'll purchase a 77mm...shouldn't i just buy a 77mm filter now? it should work the same exact way on the 58 correct?
    My strong suggestion is to get the 100mm wide versions) (basically "post card" size). The only difference between using one with a 58mm lens -v- a 77mm lens is the size of the adaptor ring.

  8. #8
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: Where to buy ND Grad Filters???

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Definately avoid screw in GNDs; you can't adjust the transition zone.
    That's an interesting comment. I'm sitting here looking at 3 of my GND screw in filters and each has the adjustable outer ring, just like a CPL. Am I missing what your are warning about?


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    Re: Where to buy ND Grad Filters???

    Quote Originally Posted by PopsPhotos View Post
    That's an interesting comment. I'm sitting here looking at 3 of my GND screw in filters and each has the adjustable outer ring, just like a CPL. Am I missing what your are warning about?

    Is not the transition right through the centre though, regardless of how you rotate the ring?

  10. #10
    jeffmoll's Avatar
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    Re: Where to buy ND Grad Filters???

    what Colin is saying is that you can't adjust where in the frame the gradient falls. If you're shooting a vertically composed wide angle shot with some nice tide pools in the foreground then you want your gradient line to be right along the top edge of the frame. With the rectangular filters you can slide the filter up or down to put that line wherever you want it. With the circular you can adjust your angle but not your gradient line. If that makes sense.


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