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Thread: The Great Chuck & Colin Bird / Boat Challenge!

  1. #141
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: The Great Chuck & Colin Bird / Boat Challenge!

    Quote Originally Posted by Maureen View Post
    Pelican Itch at the Entrance. Central Coast, NSW.
    Hi Maureen,

    I agree with Rick (Bm7b5), nice shot (in post #131).

    Only thing I personally might have done differently myself (and this is very minor), is to pan right just a smidgin to get all of the pelican's shadow in frame.

    They are BIG birds, as the second shot shows, I don't think we have anything quite that big wild round these parts (London suburban UK).


  2. #142

    Join Date
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    Gorokan NSW Australia

    Re: The Great Chuck & Colin Bird / Boat Challenge!

    Quote Originally Posted by taken View Post
    all pics here need some quick composition tweaks to balance out the subjects and story very good subjects,ruined by quick photography, and compoitions! vertical framing and horizontal framing have been misusedhow we frame a pic is the first thing one must keep in mind before we even lift the camera
    Well nobody is perfect "Taken", but in over 200 posts I do believe (willing to be corrected) that we are yet to see some of YOUR work, or are you McQ in disguise fitting some quick C&C into a busy schedule?

  3. #143
    Davey's Avatar
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    Re: The Great Chuck & Colin Bird / Boat Challenge!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill44 View Post
    Well nobody is perfect "Taken", but in over 200 posts I do believe (willing to be corrected) that we are yet to see some of YOUR work, or are you McQ in disguise fitting some quick C&C into a busy schedule?
    I don't mind criticism myself since it's one of the ways I learn, but I tend to ignore if it's just nit picking and over critical (unless it's from someone who isn't usually captious then it tends to be worth listening to). I feel the same way about praise as I do criticism. Unless it's constructive in some way it's no use to anyone so again tend to ignore it completely because it's useless info.

    Comments like "These photos are not good or need adjustments" is pretty useless, again so is "these photos are perfect". With critical comments including what it is you don't like, why you don't like it, how would you avoid or fix it etc are usually very useful, more than simple empty praise (even if genuine). Likewise when praising it's good to expand it a little and explain what it is you like, why you like it and so on as it tends to encourage the person and helps them by drawing out their good points.

    Criticism also tends only to be useful when comming from people who are seen to be warm or encouraging toward us, so I find it's often not always the best "first approach". A friend of mine who is a teacher uses the latter method to get the best out of his students. He points out their good qualities and they start to notice the bits they do well and concentrate on what they do right and due to this get better at doing it right, as for their mistakes by encouraging good qualities their faults naturally tend to be adandoned unconsciously.

  4. #144
    Maureen's Avatar
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    Re: The Great Chuck & Colin Bird / Boat Challenge!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Maureen,

    I agree with Rick (Bm7b5), nice shot (in post #131).

    Only thing I personally might have done differently myself (and this is very minor), is to pan right just a smidgin to get all of the pelican's shadow in frame.

    They are BIG birds, as the second shot shows, I don't think we have anything quite that big wild round these parts (London suburban UK).

    Thanks Dave.
    Looking back at it ,I can see what you mean.

  5. #145
    Roxy's Avatar
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    Oz .. the best bit, Queensland

    Re: The Great Chuck & Colin Bird / Boat Challenge!

    The long-tail fishing boat at Phuket, Thailand..

    The Tin Owl in public farden on the Sunshine Coast, Queensland OZ

    The Great Chuck & Colin Bird / Boat Challenge!

    The Great Chuck & Colin Bird / Boat Challenge!

  6. #146
    Davey's Avatar
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    Re: The Great Chuck & Colin Bird / Boat Challenge!

    I particularly like the owl, the thing I like the most is the background is completely fubar'd (for want of a more polite phrase ). Nice because it draws my focus to the owl as it's background has nowt left to really focus on. Was this open wide in camera generated or pp blurred (I guess primarily former from look of it).

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