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Thread: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

  1. #21
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    Bill's Ctrl A, Shift Ctrl J, Alt Ctrl C is simple and quick!

  2. #22
    maloufn's Avatar
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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?


    I have just learnt this. Two ways .
    1. Simple but not sophisticated and limited- You can do it in ACR Adobe Camera Raw Vignetting and use
    your sliders to select width and colour (black or white in this case) of frame.

    2. Alternatively, open your shot from bridge in Photoshop Layers. Control (J) to copy your Layer.
    Click on the copy layer.
    Click on "Styles Icon" bottom right hand corner under layers
    Select "Stroke". Tick the box and select the strokes effect. This opens the stroke panel.
    Move your "Size" Slider to the right to determine the width of the frame.
    Select Color box and choose a colour (here you can use the pointer to select any colour in your picture).

    Thats the basics. Try that first and then Ill tell you how to add other effetcs (Drop shadow, inner glow,
    satin etc).

    Let me know how you go.


  3. #23

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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post

    I use The GIMP, so I'll let the CS5 users come in and tell you how to do it with that package.
    Donald, I have download GIMP some weeks ago, but I haven't really started using it - or any post-processing software - yet. So, if you want to say how do you do it, I don't mind

  4. #24
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pohled View Post
    Donald, I have download GIMP some weeks ago, but I haven't really started using it - or any post-processing software - yet. So, if you want to say how do you do it, I don't mind

    The first thing I'd say is that if you want to use the GIMP and have not yet started getting into some of tools and looking at some of tutorials, I would leave building a frame until later, until you feel you have got a reasonable idea of how the GIMP works.

    But, for your information, I build mine by following the string (start on the top menu bar):Filters/Decor/Borders/Line Border. That will present you with a dialogue box in which you set all the parameters, including the addition of any text at the bottom.

    My inner border settings (for a re-sized Jpeg at 1024 on the longer edge) are 60 on left, right and top. Value = 243. Extend by 30 for the bottom edge. Outer frame: 7. Value = 0.

    Now, none of this will make any sense because you haven't yet begun to use the GIMP. But, if and when you do, you can come back to this and it will, at least, provide a starting point for you to experiment and design your own frame.

  5. #25

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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    Thank you, Donald!
    Sure, I'll learn the other features soon. I'll keep these informations of mini-class =).

  6. #26

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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    G'day Donald,
    " I build mine by following the string (start on the top menu bar):Filters/Decor/Borders/Line Border. That will present you with a dialogue box in which you set all the parameters, including the addition of any text at the bottom. "
    Which build of Gimp do you have? My 2.6.8 in both Linux and Windows does not give me such choices.It doesnt have "line border" All I get is x,y sizing and colors. regards....Pete

  7. #27
    Sonic4Spuds's Avatar
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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?


    I'm not sure which plugin he is using, but the gimp-plugin-registry available in most linux repositories has a Add Border filter in the Decor menu. This adds a bevelled border of the specified color.

    Plugins will not change between versions of gimp unless he is using the current testing build. The 2.6.x series is identical except for bugfixes.


  8. #28
    Sonic4Spuds's Avatar
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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?


    I'm not sure which plugin he is using, but the gimp-plugin-registry available in most linux repositories has a Add Border filter in the Decor menu. This adds a bevelled border of the specified color.

    Plugins will not change between versions of gimp unless he is using the current testing build. The 2.6.x series is identical except for bugfixes.


  9. #29

    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    For any one that is interested
    instruction for running mat action Opens in word or textedit

    and the mat action
    have fun


  10. #30

    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    A very useful thread thank you. At present i'm still using Elements 7. I've tried to run some of the suggestions for Photoshop above but as expected the options are not the same for Elements. So....... Can anyone give me a step by step for Elements 7 - Border / drop down / Title etc.

    I know I'm asking rather a lot but it would be very appreciated.

    Last edited by John B Walker; 1st February 2011 at 12:21 AM.

  11. #31
    DavidM's Avatar
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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    This works for Elements 8.

    Layer, duplicate layer
    Image, resize, canvas size 5 percent (or whatever you fancy) canvas extension colour white or a pale colour

    If you want more:
    layer, layer style, style settings
    select drop shadow and play with the settings for a good effect.

    Hope this helps.

  12. #32

    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    Quote Originally Posted by DavidM View Post
    This works for Elements 8.

    Layer, duplicate layer
    Image, resize, canvas size 5 percent (or whatever you fancy) canvas extension colour white or a pale colour

    If you want more:
    layer, layer style, style settings
    select drop shadow and play with the settings for a good effect.

    Hope this helps.
    Many thanks David

    I'll give that a try.



    Just given it a try - brilliant - thanks.
    Just one area I'm a bit confused with. Should I be selecting Layer, Layer size etc from the top Layer tab or on the right hand side?
    Last edited by John B Walker; 1st February 2011 at 12:12 PM.

  13. #33
    DavidM's Avatar
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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    Quote Originally Posted by John B Walker View Post
    Just one area I'm a bit confused with. Should I be selecting Layer, Layer size etc from the top Layer tab or on the right hand side?
    I don't think it matters. I tend to use the right hand side, or whatever works, although I did test the procedure using the top menu.

  14. #34
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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    go to the action central website and download the action, or go to you tube and type how to do a photoshop frame...
    Attached Images Attached Images

  15. #35
    Mario Xavier's Avatar
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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    Just my two cents for CS3-CS5:

    Use the crop tool and select the full canvas, then expand it beyond the edges of the canvas (into the grey).

  16. #36
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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    Quote Originally Posted by snapdown View Post
    Just my two cents for CS3-CS5:

    Use the crop tool and select the full canvas, then expand it beyond the edges of the canvas (into the grey).
    That is brilliant Even works for Photoshop Elements ... quick. Is it possible to change frame colour from white?

  17. #37
    whited3's Avatar
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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    Quote Originally Posted by RonH View Post
    That is brilliant Even works for Photoshop Elements ... quick. Is it possible to change frame colour from white?
    Bottom of the tool bar, change the background/foreground colour.

  18. #38
    RonH's Avatar
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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    Quote Originally Posted by whited3 View Post
    Bottom of the tool bar, change the background/foreground colour.
    Should have thought of that myself

  19. #39

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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    Bill- I just tried this and it worked great up until I tried to add the stroke. When I went into the color library... I can't find white. I've had CS5 for 3 weeks and am learning. It (color library) said to type in a color... where the heck do I type in the color? Now, it's not imperative that I have a stroke color, but it's making me crazy.

  20. #40

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    Re: How do I put a "frame" around an image?

    Click on one of the two color boxes at the bottom of your toolbox. this will lead you to the color palette. White is at the top left or bottom left in the RGB box in the color picker dialogue menu, type in 255, 255, 255. If you ever want pure black, type in 0, 0, 0

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