Originally Posted by
Arith i tend to disagree with your last post on numerous points,
for starters the pro's are only pro's because they make a living out of getting paid for their pictures,
that doesn't make them better photographers than anyone else, in my view it just means they have more business sense, anyone can give away a photo for free and feel successful,the reality is to swap paper and inks for money and make a profit,
i have seen progs on tv about wedding photographers that didn't have a clue but at the end of the day they are still pro's because they got paid for their services ,
you can make big pictures, anyone can make big pictures, the proof in the pudding is making big pictures that someone wants to buy and hang on their wall,
in my view you have two choices, either go for individual pieces/limited editions and command a high price (if you are well known) or go the chinese route and let your images be mass produced for peanuts,
here in Notts we have both routes, people sell art at whatever price they ask, whilst others go the supermarket route and sell en mass, cheers martyn ps i know a few people that have sold out to the chinese market but i am still trying to find out how much they got paid,