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Thread: SLR Simulators

  1. #1

    SLR Simulators

    Saw these linked on another forum and thought they might be quite useful for anyone starting out with a DSLR

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: SLR Simulators

    Good heavens. Whatever will they think of next!

  3. #3
    rob marshall

    Re: SLR Simulators

    I think I need to get a life. I really thought that title said 'SLR stimulators' Dark visions of 70-300mm probes doing the Startrek thing...

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: SLR Simulators

    Well I think the first one could actually be quite helpful, you don't get to see the result until snap time, which makes you think more than the other one.

    Plus you get an idea of how focal length, angle of view and camera to subject to background distances interact in addition to the exposure triangle.

    Also good to demonstrate (e.g. to P&S'ers thinking of going DSLR) the differences between Tv, Av and M.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Mary... or Lucy... either is fine with me. ;)

    Re: SLR Simulators

    I found the first one pretty helpful... but, I have A LOT to learn!

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