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Thread: de yer lik Jura, laddie...

  1. #1
    rob marshall

    de yer lik Jura, laddie...

    In 1987 I did the Jura fell-race on the Isle of Jura, Scotland (I can't recommend the race it if you want to continue living It was sponsored by Jura whisky. On the way back we stopped at an hotel at the north end of Loch Lomond. In the bar (tartan carpet of one of the clans) a local 'character' who had not been sober since 1959 proceeded to interrogate me after he saw the Jura race T-shirt I was wearing. 'De, ye like, Jura, laddie?. This was repeated every 30 secs for about 10 mins, accompanied by an increasingly brutal finger-prodding in my right nipple. Finally, I contemplated what his blood would look like on the tartan carpet.

    I've therefore always had a fondness for a wee dram of Jura, and as I had a bottle this Xmas, I thought I'd put it to good use!

    De yer lik Jura?

    de yer lik Jura, laddie...

    de yer lik Jura, laddie...

    de yer lik Jura, laddie...

  2. #2

    Re: de yer lik Jura, laddie...

    a local 'character' who had not been sober since 1959 proceeded to interrogate me after he saw the Jura race T-shirt I was wearing. 'De, ye like, Jura, laddie?. This was repeated every 30 secs for about 10 mins, accompanied by an increasingly brutal finger-prodding in my right nipple.
    The young Welsh bog trotter, being the philanthropic soul that he is, took pity on this unfortunate highland shentleman. The rest is history and CiC is now graced with a most beloved moderator. Twas like a page from the annals of Brigadoon.

    The first image really works for me Rob. The fading of the bottle into the background is very subtle and beautifully done as usual. The other two are representative but do not have the same impact for me

  3. #3
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: de yer lik Jura, laddie...

    Quote Originally Posted by rob marshall View Post
    a local 'character' who had not been sober since 1959 proceeded to interrogate me after he saw the Jura race T-shirt I was wearing. 'De, ye like, Jura, laddie?.
    I'd often wondered who that guy was .....!

  4. #4
    EyeofthePotatO's Avatar
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    Re: de yer lik Jura, laddie...

    I like the pictures (agree, first one best) but I loved the story even more. Wish I could share it, especially with my friend from Glasgow!

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