The Chosen by jiro bau, on Flickr
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The Chosen by jiro bau, on Flickr
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I liked the first one in this series, and while I don't terribly dislike this one, I do tend to see too much contrivance in the setup in Photoshop. The solitary egg's shadow doesn't quite fit the overhead lighting nor does the reflective shadow (which should, but does not exist).
Can the solo singer and stick with the white objects on the black background and you have a winner.
...what about with Chris' crop suggestion and call it 'gossip girls'...?
Nice one Jiro. I love this as is because the Chosen One can and will have different meanings for everyone. I like the lighting on the chosen one and in this type of shot which is obviously contrived and obviously meant to look contrived, I'm not worried about misplaced shadows, I think it looks great. I do wonder about the placement of the onlookers though and wonder if they would look better if they were more facing the Chosen one - still grouped together and close but if you took the one on the right and placed it forward and to the left and the one on the left back and to the right. Hope you know what I mean, I've never been able to describe things in a concise manner.
The way they are grouped now, they do indeed look like gossip girls or groupies of the chosen one. Come to think of it the way they are grouped now, I also see a bit of fear and awe in that they do not or cannot fully face the brilliance before them. I love this shot, I could come up with something different every time I look at it. Nice work!!
Edit: P.S. Aha, I just noticed something else, you did not name it the chosen ONE it is "The Chosen", so now I also have to wonder if it is the gossip girls that have been chosen by the supreme master or if the audience is watching the chosen ONE being taken by aliens or something to that effect -- see what i mean the mind wanders...
Last edited by ScoutR; 9th January 2011 at 03:14 PM. Reason: spelling
Thanks a lot for your reaction, Wendy. When I played with this concept initially, that's exactly my idea before - they can't accept the fact that this "egg" was chosen for something so they tend to "gossip" around themselves saying "what a brat. He thinks he's better than us, eh?" LOL! So with that idea I decided to place them as if they were whispering to each other. Maybe, on my next project I can make them look like they are in awe on this chosen "egg".
I am just playing around. My arthritis is kicking in due to the cold weather so I had no choice but to get my egg models and ask them to pose for me again. I can't shoot outside in fear that I might drop my only dslr. At least I'm glad that these eggs are not charging me with their modeling fees. ROFLMAO!
Last edited by jiro; 9th January 2011 at 04:42 PM.
yes quite a nice idea.. but for me the left hand chosen egg is too far left... I think you need some dark background on the extreme left to frame the composition...
Thanks for the suggestion. I will try to consider that on my next adjustment. Thanks!
The one on the left needs a top hat and a cane. I see you are taking up my eggistential theme - well done. There aren't enough egg shots in the world.
Thanks, Rob. I got hooked on the egg shots when we were given a white on white assignment on another forum. From there, I decided to play around with white on black (this one). Next I think would be black on black. I still have no idea whatsoever how to do that yet. Maybe a black egg?
Shooting eggs is fun!
Oh my, Jiro! I am really worried about you, friend. "Shooting eggs is fun"??? You must be young - cos life begins at 40 and I find my fun in much more. Jokes aside, Jiro, with all the practice, you should be able to shoot eggcellent shots by now!
Diane, the reason why I said "shooting eggs is fun" is that it has a double meaning to it.
1. photography wise, preserving the natural color and texture of eggs against a white background is not that easy (go ask Rob. )
2. Target shooting wise, it is really fun shooting eggs at 45 - 50 yards distance using a caliber 0.177 air rifle using a very small light pellet that only measures 0.2" in diameter and traveling at around 800 - 910 feet per second. Another hobby of mine - target shooting.
I perfectly agree with you Diane, life is colorful and exciting above 40. Just watch out for the mood swings! LOL!
Last edited by jiro; 10th January 2011 at 02:48 PM.
You see now I would love to join you and try to learn these techniques......but I do not buy eggs.
Because once you have eggs in the house, people expect you to 'cook' with them, preferably things suitable for human consumption and without resultant after effect of botulism!
Why cannot I do these small things you ask - well it's obvious....there is no order or structure or right way to do things in cookery!
- 'cook in a moderate oven' - so what does that mean? we all know one man's moderation is another's excess! and do they say leave the lid on keep the lid! I'm just meant to guess
- 'add a drizzle' - what kind of an amount is a drizzle? a drizzle of rain type quantity or more your post nasal drip....I ask you?
- 'add a pinch' - again what is with that? - if one was to pinch some bottoms, the slightest pressure would need to be applied, in others, your more industrial strength pliers would be needed before the effect was felt!
I could go on with the various euphemisms they use for mixing all the stuff together.....but I rest my case eggs lead to kitchens lead to good can come of that
You're funny, Kay.