This is a MONOCHROME mini competition that is open to all CiC members. It has an 'open' theme - any subject at all.
ENTERING. Add your MONOCHROME (B&W) image in a new post below. Make sure to change your post title to a name for your picture (click the "Go Advanced" button). There's a limit of 1 image per post, and 2 image posts per person. Each competition also has a maximum of 10 entries. Tinted images utilizing ONE colour are allowed. Colour images will be deleted. For help on posting images, go here.
VOTING. When this competition reaches 10 images, a poll will be automatically added and any member may then vote. After 3 days, voting ends and the winner is determined.
Once voting opens on an existing competition, a new competition will be automatically started and the process will repeat.
Good luck!
Note: Please do not request comment and critique (C&C) on your images as it could be unfair to other entrants, but please feel free to start a new thread with the same image in one of the two main image forums.