I have been learning bird photography for the past two months. The areas of concern are (1)The subject (in this case the bird) against the bright blue sky is always dark and no details are visible. (2) In some cases, the main subject is not sharp even though the bird is against the green or brown back ground.
I am using Canon 550D and 7D with either 70-300mm IS lens or 100-400mm L IS lens for bird photography. I shoot with aperture priority settings, spot metering, center auto focus point. The shutter speeds are in the range of 100-500 with f/5.6 depending on the available light.
I have attached two images with the above problems.
Would like know (a) are the camera settings correct or need to change? (b) do I need to use polarised filter to darken the sky ? (c) Is it possible to correct in post processing?