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Thread: Hello Everyone

  1. #1
    New Member minterca's Avatar
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    Hello Everyone

    I just joined the site. I've been using a P&S camera all of my life.
    6 months ago I purchased a DSLR from a friend. Now I want to learn to use it. Please be patient with me.


  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Hello everyone.............


    You're very welcome.

    I hope you'll find that CiC is the place that can help you on the learning curve. If you haven't found your way around the site yet, have a read of the information below. It will help you get started on CiC.

    I look forward to seeing the first images to come out of the camera.

    Post #1 of this thread HERE has a lot of useful information. There are links in that post to other helpful advice and guidance. Also our Code of Conduct in the FAQ HERE

    CiC is a resource strongly focused towards learning, no matter what your current level of knowledge, skills and experience. As well as these forums, where you can engage in discussion, ask questions and seek comment and criticism on your pictures, CiC has a comprehensive range of tutorials that, by common consent, are amongst the most sensible and straightforward that you can find anywhere. Remember to have a look on the tutorials and techniques pages which you can access from the menu bar.

    And finally, the Mod team thought it might be a useful addition to CiC to have in-house access to some selected video tutorials. You can find them in the Community Lounge forum under 'Photography Video Tutorials'.

  3. #3
    jiro's Avatar
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    Willie or Jiro is fine by me.

    Re: Hello everyone.............

    Welcome to CiC, Chris. I think the majority of the members are very patient, here. Cheers!

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: Hello everyone.............

    Quote Originally Posted by minterca View Post
    I just joined the site. I've been using a P&S camera all of my life.
    6 months ago I purchased a DSLR from a friend. Now I want to learn to use it. Please be patient with me.

    Hi Chris,

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me to

    I was just going to ask 'what camera?' when I saw that you're well organised and already have it in your signature.

    So I'll ask "what subjects do you enjoy shooting?"

    All the best,

  5. #5
    New Member minterca's Avatar
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    Re: Hello everyone.............

    Hello Dave,
    I enjoy shooting wildlife and landscapes. My wife and I started going on cruises about 1 yr ago. We are going on our fourth one in the Fall, to Italy and Spain. I want to be prepared for that trip. Also, I live close to a wild life refuge. Plenty of opportunity for natures finest.


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