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Thread: Howdy

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Howdy All!,
    My name is Dave and I am from North Carolina(USA). I must say this is the most incredible and helpful Photography site I have seen.

    For a living I do computer administration. I have a wife and young two girls. An extreme love of German Shepherds(ours is named Heidi). I am currently just starting my second photography class from our local community college. This one is focusing on all manual settings. I just got a D7000 for Christmas, and my Bday.. and next Christmas, and next Bday.. etc.. x 15. lol I really do believe a good photographer takes great pictures no matter what the camera.. but someone of my skill needs a bit of help! I am not exactly a total beginner.. I am here to learn all I can, and to share and help anyone out. I like the fact that here people can calmly discuss photography without it turning into a flaming holy war. I switched to Nikon from Canon. I was not a fan of my original digital rebel.. but in all honesty I am learning that many of the issues I had with it, where me not understanding how to use it. That said.. I do LOVE my D7000.

    I love shots of nature, macro work(bugs!!), time lapse, moon shots, night photography, etc.. etc.. etc..

    Anyways that's a little about me and what I am using. I look forward to talking to you all in the forums.

    -devoh (Dave)

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Re: Howdy

    Welcome ! and looking forward to look at your pictures. I am a real beginner and you will love that site: soooo nice ! Great people and learning power!

  3. #3
    jiro's Avatar
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    Willie or Jiro is fine by me.

    Re: Howdy

    Welcome to CiC, Dave. Glad for you to join the forum. Congratulations on your fine Christmas gift, btw.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Howdy

    Hi Dave, (great name, eh?)

    Welcome from me, hope to see some shots soon, what lenses do you have for the D7000 for that wide variety of subjects?

    I guess, like my D5000, the D7000 can do the time lapse stuff all by itself?
    I am ashamed to admit I have yet to use mine, but it was one of the features I was looking forward to - I'm just too lazy (or too busy here) to give it a try - got any ideas for a controllable, indoor exercise? I don't fancy the rotting fruit idea Also something shorter duration is preferable.


  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Re: Howdy

    Howdy Dave,
    Yes the D7000 has the built-in intervalometer to do time lapse. I have not tried that function yet. It's high on my list of things to try. I want to do a sky time lapse to get some clouds changing over time. Right now I have the 16-85mm lens. I have some close up lenses that I screw on for playing with macro.. I want to get a real macro lens though.. something around the 60-105mm range (with a f/2.8 or less).. and a 70-300mm for my moon shots. Right now I borrow my neighbors. It's awesome to have neighbors that have compatable equipment and a love of sharing!! In fact three of my neighbors are going to the same photograhy class as me.

    For a controled experiment.. how about something like a Birthday candle? If you could isolate the air movement so the flame wasn't moving all over the place that might be interesting. Or how about an icecube melting? or shooting through the windows as snow falls (to lime lapse the accumlimation).

    -Dave ( a most excellent name hehehe )

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Howdy

    Quote Originally Posted by devoh View Post
    For a controled experiment.. how about something like a Birthday candle? If you could isolate the air movement so the flame wasn't moving all over the place that might be interesting. Or how about an icecube melting? or shooting through the windows as snow falls (to lime lapse the accumlimation).
    Thanks, all good ideas, I guess I'd better decide what the result will be though, clouds can make great movies, but I was perhaps imagining fewer shots and a triptych or hextych (6) idea.

    Wish I had your neighbours!

  7. #7
    New Member
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    Re: Howdy

    hi from nc as well <3

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Re: Howdy

    Howdy Dave , I live in Tn. on the nc border. I love wildlife shots, and now that I found this site I"m finally learning how to do em .I also got my camera for christmas,its a cannon xs.

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