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Thread: Little guidence please.

  1. #1
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Little guidence please.

    So today I decided to step out of my comfort zone a little and shoot something for black & white. It does not end there though due to my still getting used to PP in the first place.
    I realize my sky is a bit blown, but other than that your C&C is welcome. Thank you for looking. Here are two I played with for different effects. First time useing layers as well. I use Gimp BTW.

    Little guidence please.

    Little guidence please.

  2. #2
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
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    Re: Little guidence please.

    Hi Paul,

    Donald is one of our B&W gurus and when he wakes up I am sure he will have something to say. He also uses GIMP so will probably be able to help you with some settings. I am good at committing Donald to do these things.

    I like the concept and how the garden border wraps around the chair to create a foreground but find the background a bit messy, particularly the taller tree on the left.

    I do prefer the first one from a processing point of view, as I like the stronger contrast. # 2 does not have the tonal range to keep me interested. Whenever you try to restore blown out highlights they can only go grey, as in this case, no matter what software you use. To me the sky just looks dirty in this one and with the stronger contrast in #1 I do not notice the sky as much as I do in #2.

  3. #3
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: Little guidence please.

    Thank you Peter for your input. I am really just useing this picture to learn as I know the sky is gone. I also like the first one best for the contrast. I shot this real quick while at a customers house so I was not free to take much play time, but figured it would be a good exersize for me. So far it has.

    Thanks again

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Little guidence please.

    I understood You ask about opinions.I am not a guru but I am on my own feet in photography and not only.Below You see mine
    Little guidence please.(worked for You w.Adobe PSE)
    It's time for an Adobe

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Little guidence please.

    For me, the first image works best but I think this is one of those many subjects that struggle to work well in B&W. The bench works fine but the background is rather too complicated and close to the subject.

    Possibly cropping a little tighter from the left and top would remove some of the background distraction and concentrate more on the seat.

    I like the lighting on the first photo and don't find the sky to be a problem; in fact I think that a darker sky would just add to the background distraction.

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