Ooooooo! I love ice! What is the red? Christmas lights??? er, no.... wait....we're past that...
Oh, but I should ask, is this disastrous cold for FL?
Well, one could argue that Christmas lights are using up energy resources and are not absolutely necessary, but that might be seen as a bit over-the-top. But I suspect our continued use of fossil fuels, excessive use of air travel and our obsession with our own private transport (cars, etc) are examples of us causing more damage than Christmas lights.
Last edited by Donald; 14th January 2011 at 10:35 PM.
Quite right! I haven't celebrated Christmas since 1982 (total waste of energy) I'd bring back Cromwell if I could, so he could abolish Christmas again. The last time I flew anywhere was in 1997 (to Scotland bizarrely), and my diesel Peugeot 207 does 55 mpg and I do about 10K a year. Do I get my free cookies now? I only want them if Katy bakes 'em.
Cool shots Chris, interesting weather everywhere this winter I see.
It's just as cold tonight (mid-20's). While I live in NW Florida which is on the same latitude as the lower part of Morocco, the Miami area, 500 miles to the south and east is on a latitiude which would cleanly dissect Saudi Arabia and in recent years, they have seen temperatures drop into the low 30's.
Laugh at Al Gore all you want, but there's a fair chance much of Florida will be under water in the next 100 to 150 years.
Meanwhile, it is mittens, scarves and warm fires for this warm blooded creature.