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Thread: Starting with digital

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Starting with digital

    Hello, i have not yet started with digital SLRs, still attached to my Pentax ME and cost does concern me,ie lenses. I did come across on the web articles (dated 2006) about the Pentax *istDL2. Which i think would suit my needs. I would welcome any thoughts on this.

  2. #2
    Boatman's Avatar
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    Re: Starting with digital

    I wouldn't waste a minute getting into digital photography. The things you can do in digital make you wonder how you ever even got a good print in wet photography. But my advice is, don't spend a lot of money on a DSLR right away. Go on eBay and pick up a good high-end prosumer 5-8MP camera and jump in. Once you become more familiar with the techniques you'll figure out what you are missing and really want to add to your technical repertoire.

    I started out with an Olympus 2040Z, which was only 2MP, not enough, but it had full manual control which helps. I came from an old Pentax Spotmatic so using manual controls was natural. I graduated to a Minolta A2, which I still use, though I want a Panasonic GH2. I picked up the A2 for about $400 as a factory refurb five years ago. Before you buy, check the reviews on, digitalphotography review, this web site and other places. Find a two to three year old camera that you think you will like and watch for a good deal. You should be able to find something that will give excellent results without spending a fortune.

    Bt the way, you’ll save enough in film and print costs to buy whatever you like in about a year if you shoot a reasonable quantity of pictures.

  3. #3
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Starting with digital

    Hi Phil,

    If you follow the advice above from Homer, I would suggest you make sure the camera can shoot RAW, not just jpg, as half the fun of digital is in the post processing (PP) and with jpg alone, it very soon becomes apparent in the final image.

    A camera that shoots RAW (and has full manual controls) will last you a lot longer before you succumb to the lure of a DSLR.

    Oh, and welcome to the CiC forums from ....

  4. #4
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    Re: Starting with digital

    Many thanks Homer, though one clarification and please excuse my ignorance. What do you mean by high end prosumer? I might know what you mean but not called it that.

    One reason i thought of the Pentax *istDL2 was the review said that K fit lenses could be used with it. So i was thinking i could get away with my set and not start again. Am i right in this assumption?

  5. #5
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    Re: Starting with digital

    Hello Dave,
    Thanks for the welcome and i thank in advance everyone who takes time and has the patience to answer my rather basic questions, i'm sure i've got many more to ask (see reply to Homer.)

  6. #6
    Boatman's Avatar
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    Re: Starting with digital

    The prosumer term referred to cameras that had features beyond consumer digital cameras, but not all the features of full professional DSLRs. I think the term has kind of gone out of fashion now that many of the so-called consumer DSLRs will out perform any professional camera available five years ago.

    I'm not sure about using your Pentax lenses on the ist, but that is a good point. The istDS2 has been around a while; you should be able to pick one up at a decent price. And if you can use your lenses, then the camera would make a lot of sense. I believe the ist is an APC format so you will have a 1.6 magnification factor with your old lenses. Keep that in mind when you look into the camera and which combination of body and base lens (if any) that you desire. I noticed that DPReview has the camera listed at . I'd advise reading that carefully and then heading over to eBay ;-)

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