Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Thanks. And before I forget again, what do you mean exactly by high and low frequency? I can guess now that you gave me an example but not sure what the exact meaning of the term is.
Hi Ali,
It's a measure of the number of luminance detail changes per given unit length (my rough definition) - in other words high-frequency components equate to fine detail (like hair) whereas low-frequency equates areas where theres large expanses with little change (eg blue sky, with a few clouds).
The reason it's significant is because they require different sharpening treatment ... sharpening is all about increasing contrast around edges; high-frequency stuff needs higher amounts of sharpening, but over a smaller area (eq 300% @ 0.3 as an example) whereas low-frequency stuff needs lower amounts, but over a bigger area (eg perhaps 20% @ 20 pixels).
All covered in your Real World Image Sharpening book :) (Is that one that you've got, or is it just RWCM and RWCR?)
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
By the pool:
I reckon when it come time for this young chap's 21st birthday party - and you want to embarrass him with all the shots of him growing up - all you'll need to do is point them to here!
Seriously, apart from the great captures and excellent processing, I think your making a wonderful documentary of his life growing up.
PS: Just don't forget your other kids!
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
I reckon when it come time for this young chap's 21st birthday party - and you want to embarrass him with all the shots of him growing up - all you'll need to do is point them to here!
Seriously, apart from the great captures and excellent processing, I think your making a wonderful documentary of his life growing up.
PS: Just don't forget your other kids!
Thanks a lot, Colin. He should be thankful to me. All I have from my own childhood, which I think was a pretty decent childhood, is a few black and whites, now with a yellowish cast on them and all those honeycomb patterns we discussed here on another thread, and with torn corners. When I was in elementray shcool, my father bought a Polaroid and I have better ones in color from those days.
I have more embarrassing pictures of him, when he first learned to stand and pee. I did not think I can post them here; what is the rule, by the way, for posting that kind of pictures of boys?
And this is my only kid for now, so no worries there!
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
All I have from my own childhood, which I think was a pretty decent childhood, is a few black and whites, now with a yellowish cast on them and all those honeycomb patterns we discussed here on another thread, and with torn corners. When I was in elementray shcool, my father bought a Polaroid and I have better ones in color from those days.
I'm in much the same boat - my mum had a reasonable number of me which I "borrowed" to show a girlfriend at the time - I didn't return them, and most got damaged when stored in a damp garage.
I have more embarrassing pictures of him, when he first learned to stand and pee. I did not think I can post them here; what is the rule, by the way, for posting that kind of pictures of boys?
Sean's the one to ultimately ask that question. Personally, I take the position of "I'd have to see the image to be able to tell how I felt about it", but having just said that, with that type of image it's more than likely that I'd feel that it's probably (as opposed to possibly) something best left out of the public arena. And there are probably people here who would be more sensitive to those kinds of things than I am, and we wouldn't want to give them a "bad taste" experience either.
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
I have more embarrassing pictures of him, when he first learned to stand and pee. I did not think I can post them here; what is the rule, by the way, for posting that kind of pictures of boys?
Post it... just dont forget to put NSFW in the topic!
Just kiding :D
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
Sean's the one to ultimately ask that question. Personally, I take the position of "I'd have to see the image to be able to tell how I felt about it", but having just said that, with that type of image it's more than likely that I'd feel that it's probably (as opposed to possibly) something best left out of the public arena. And there are probably people here who would be more sensitive to those kinds of things than I am, and we wouldn't want to give them a "bad taste" experience either.
I agree. As I said, it is embarrassing! His mom will kill me if I post it here ::eek:
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
I can't really comment on the technical side as I am new to photography but I love this picture, the expression, the lighting and the pinpoint sharpness are astounding! If I could one day get my pictures as good as this I'd be well chuffed!! So IMHO its spot on.:D
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
So IMHO its spot on.:D
Thanks, Ricko!
It can be improved a lot, and when I look at it now, it is amazing that I can see so many things that I did not see a few months ago. I am sure, I can do a better job at least on the skin!
Thanks again.
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Post it... just dont forget to put NSFW in the topic!
Just kiding :D
In response to the overwhelming requests:
How is the lighting by the way? ;)
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
In response to the overwhelming requests:
How is the lighting by the way? ;)
Just be careful about posting those kinds of shots Ali - remember - in not too many years from now, he gets to choose which rest home they "put you out to pasture" in!
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
Just be careful about posting those kinds of shots Ali - remember - in not too many years from now, he gets to choose which rest home they "put you out to pasture" in!
With my cholesterol and glucose levels and lifestyle I will not see those rest homes (we call them nursing home here)!
Please delete it if it violates the rules. Seriously. :)
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
With my cholesterol and glucose levels and lifestyle I will not see those rest homes (we call them nursing home here)!
Please delete it if it violates the rules. Seriously. :)
How can this picture violate any rule ? :):):)
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Antonio Correia
How can this picture violate any rule ? :):):)
It doesn't bother me - but - Ali may have to answer to a higher power! (SWMBO) (She Who Must Be Obeyed!). :eek:
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
It doesn't bother me - but - Ali may have to answer to a higher power! (SWMBO) (She Who Must Be Obeyed!). :eek:
The image is so innocent that she will not bother... :)
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Antonio Correia
The image is so innocent that she will not bother... :)
Thanks, Antonio. I just did not know if the boss (Colin) was OK with it.
Looking at it now, I realized the only rule it might have violated is the SCP rule of posting square pictures here :)
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Thanks, Antonio. I just did not know if the boss (Colin) was OK with it.
Sean's the boss :) (Dave and I are just the henchmen!).
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
Sean's the boss :) (Dave and I are just the henchmen!).
Right, I keep forgetting that. Where is he? Does he take any pictures?
Anyway, if I had the password, I would just highjack the site and declare independence...;)
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Originally Posted by
Right, I keep forgetting that. Where is he? Does he take any pictures?
Anyway, if I had the password, I would just highjack the site and declare independence...;)
So, Sean is the "brain" who wrote cambridgeincolor ?
I just saw: the site is also in Portuguese !!!!!!!!!!!
Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here