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I like this one ! :)
A more powerful version of this old man. I think I have posted him in color haven't I ?
This is fantastic Antonio, really expressive. :):):)
Getting in close this time, soft skin treatment from SilverEfx Pro. Last one for now. :)
Sweet Peter.
If mine - last one in B&W - is hard in terms of subject and power yours is tender and soft, kind.
A beaty indeed. Well done Peter. Very nice indeed.
We are improving aren't we ? :):)
Hi Antonio,
I prefer the tighter cropped (or framed) examples, but maybe that's just because my eyes are failing and I need a bigger image to see the detail ;)
#471 and #473 are very good, I like being able to see 'the whites of their eyes' and the pores in their skin
Hi Antonio,
Yes, given a choice of bloodshot eyes in #476 or those gorgeous brown ones :o in #477, I know which I prefer ;):D
Both good shots though.
Best regards,
I like Yours very much but...for me this is "a little more misterious" with:brush and dodge tool on eye and nose,gradient tool to darken left and lighten right,a closed framing(30 min).I think I didn't anything forget.
Merry Christmas and excuse me for this boldness!
Radu Dinu
Yes,I forgot:liquify on eye!
I hope I bored You enough.
Radu Dinu
Hi Antonio Correia,
Now which you prefer
Antonio, Ashwin,
As an impartial observer, I don't think either of you have quite got it right yet in my humble opinion.
While I do feel there was a little too much softness in the other facial features of Antonio's versions which Ashwin has addressed in post #487, it has put a tad too much sharpness into the eyes and the skin is starting to look too washed out.
I think (my) ideal would be the overall from Antonio's lower image in post #485, but with the slightly better defined nose and mouth of Ashwin's right hand pic in #487.
Just my tuppence worth,
Hi Antonio,
From my point of view this could be a "psychological portrait" of this woman not of the pho-
tographer and his camera and lens.Here You tried(may be unconscious) to reveal an aspect of the personality of your subject and I admit You did that very well but ...The hair from zone no.1,the light reds from no.2,the white border from 3,the relections from no.4 which cut the color and transparency of the eye does not help to the definition of the subject.I tried to cut off all these and to induce a small quantity of mistery with a little haze and another framing.
All I said does not reduce Your talent !
Radu Dinu