Re: Square cropped portraits (SCPs) - please post them here
Hello Steve. I dared to do my version of your creative image.
Antonio I like the idea of rotating the image. I think I will try it with the line horizontal.
You're taking too many freaky pictures, my friend, and it's making you see things that are not there. Try some nice picture-postcard landscapes, like I do..
I am beginning to think you may be right....although picture postcards may be taking things to the extreme....I would never describe your work as picture postcard. Anyway if squirrel hallucinations are good enough for Dave they are good enough for me:D
Just another day in the life of a top model!
Re: Just another day in the life of a top model!
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
I'm sure she is subject to all the pressures of a top model, but from the look of disgust she has you are clearly not paying her top model rates.:D
Nice shot, but I feel the need for a slight increase in light on the left side of the face? Good colours too.
Have you tried Portrait Professional Studio 9? I find it quite good, although it can make the models look as if they have had cosmetic surgery if you overdo it!
Re: Just another day in the life of a top model!
Originally Posted by
I'm sure she is subject to all the pressures of a top model, but from the look of disgust she has you are clearly not paying her top model rates.:D
Nice shot, but I feel the need for a slight increase in light on the left side of the face? Good colours too.
Thanks Rob,
I was actually just testing a new backdrop outside. I know what you mean about the levels to camera left; problem is if I increase them collegues moan at me for making the lighting too flat! :(
Re: Just another day in the life of a top model!
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
I know what you mean about the levels to camera left; problem is if I increase them collegues moan at me for making the lighting too flat! :(
Yes, that's true, but it only needs a bit. I have worked somewhere that had a laptop linked to the camera so you could see the result immediately on-screen. It gives you a better view of the shot than the camera view-screen does. Not just the lighting - you can get all sorts of problems with stray hair, and little shadows.
Re: Just another day in the life of a top model!
Originally Posted by
Yes, that's true, but it only needs a bit. I have worked somewhere that had a laptop linked to the camera so you could see the result immediately on-screen. It gives you a better view of the shot than the camera view-screen does. Not just the lighting - you can get all sorts of problems with stray hair, and little shadows.
In my new studio I shoot tethered onto a brand new 40 inch LED TV :)
... unbelieveable the difference it makes!
The biggest issue with the test shot above isn't so much the levels - it's just that the lighting is plain wong, resulting in a "dead" eye.
In contrast, here's one I shot in the studio today whilst testing some gels for the background strobe (the image above was just shot outside) ...
Re: Just another day in the life of a top model!
Nice images Colin... :)
Tethered onto a brand new 40 inch LED TV ??!!!
That is fantastic. Great. I just imagine the difference it makes.
I am sure the client likes that. I would :D
Good work as always Colin even if I don't like certain aspects (cough, cough ...) of your work but which you clearly assume as a style. And hopefully in a successful way.
Re: Just another day in the life of a top model!
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
Good shot Colin. She looks much happier now she's getting top model $$$$$$$! You see what I mean about the stray hair. behind her ear there seems to be a tuft of hair from the back of her head.
Re: Just another day in the life of a top model!
Originally Posted by
Antonio Correia
Nice images Colin... :)
Tethered onto a brand new 40 inch LED TV ??!!!
That is fantastic. Great. I just imagine the difference it makes.
I am sure the client likes that. I would :D
Good work as always Colin even if I don't like certain aspects (cough, cough ...) of your work but which you clearly assume as a style. And hopefully in a successful way.
Thanks Antonio,
By co-incidence I gave a 22" x 22" framed canvas print (of the one you didn't really like that much) to the young ladies parents yesterday ... they loved it :) I guess the point is that at the end of the day it really doesn't matter what you or I think of the shot ... only what the clients do :)
Re: Just another day in the life of a top model!
Originally Posted by
Colin Southern
... I guess the point is that at the end of the day it really doesn't matter what you or I think of the shot ... only what the clients do :)
I absolutely agree with you Colin. If clients like your pictures then you have to go on shooting the way they like :)
After all it's them who serve your soup... :)
Re: Just another day in the life of a top model!
Originally Posted by
Good shot Colin. She looks much happier now she's getting top model $$$$$$$! You see what I mean about the stray hair. behind her ear there seems to be a tuft of hair from the back of her head.
Thanks Rob,
I'm only 1/2 way through retouching this image - so I might "deal to" the hair a bit later - although it's just a lighting test shot that I thought I'd see how it "scrubbed up" - I might do a canvas of it for my gallery wall as I need another square shot to fill a space on the wall.
Re: Just another day in the life of a top model!
Just another day in the life of a top model
Colin she looks so fed up in the first image. It must be all that testing of the new studio set up. The quality and consistency of these latest images is very salable to a large portion of the public. I have paid silly money for portraits of my kids in the past and they do not come near the technical quality of capture. However I would really like to see something unique in how the subject is presented to us (the story telling really). I think if you can get that trade mark 'something' into you compositions you will be able to buy us all a new lighting set up.