Nice Peter.
And pretty sharp ...
Thank you for posting.![]()
Thank you for posting !
Peter, what is it that all your images are a bit towards red/magenta ?
Is it me, my monitor ?
This is a nice image Peter.But give me something better, more sophisticated.
You can do it !![]()
If we had an award for consistent high-quality portraiture, it would surely have your name on it!
The day I shot these two pictures - a friend and my self - we went to Estoril because there were some car races going on. The idea was to get some shots on automobile sports.
There was what we call "animation", something like street scenes, guys playing instruments like this one and others, children activity, games, beer, food, antique cars and all that stuff you can imagine.
This guy was playing among others and I looked at him while he was paying. I was using the 20D with the 70-200. I thought that under that light it might make a good picture.
I looked through the viewfinder and waited for a moment. Then, when he came to a position I liked, I made the shot. I do this more and more being aware of the background of the main "target". In the shot I above I was not very careful.
I normally don't shoot many pictures. More than when I was shooting anagogic but not many. Specially when the subject is as static as this one and waiting for us.
At home, I analyze the pictures trying to find the best ones and discarding the others. Most of the times I don't erase the pictures. I keep them for future "treatment" if ever I want to.
Here there is no fill light at all. This is the available light. On my back there was a large large area opened to the environment. May be there was also some white areas from large containers nearby. I can't remember with exactitude.
Now, I use Lightroom - I am not selling this program- which is responsible for my better photos. It is simple to use, not a lot of commands to learn like in CS.
Now, I concentrate on a couple of commands and here we are.
I also feel these days that I am getting better results because I use a Cintiq Wacom and two monitors. On the Mac, the main picture and on the Cintiq the commands. I am not selling Wacom tablets either.
The man is looking at the other side, towards the left and to the outside of the frame, but he is balanced by the instrument, which is in fact also very sharp contributing to the composition.
But tell me: Aren't these pictures - the other and this one - a little too magenta ?
Or is it just me ?
God, I wish I knew how you get these skin tones, Antonio![]()
Good Alis.
But you can do better than this.
Look at that door in the back ...![]()
Hello jacsul
(Jack from the south ?)
Try again my friend. Don't use that flash so harsh. Try to bounce it some a white surface, even a simple A4 is good enough.
The young fellow looks very cheerful.
I am sure he will be very happy if you use him again as model...
We all are waiting to see the new improved photos.![]()
Why this picture is not so good as I expected ?
I have a droplet to make the canvas and all that stuff like the name and so.
I have cropped the picture very much and it came out with a huge name and a too large canvas.
I don't feel - at least now - to do it again because of this problem.
Any tips to modify that Action / Droplet thing ?