The Sun is high in the sky now and I didn't either kill you or made anything bad to someone

As usual.

The little girl Leila is very cute indeed and the photo is nice, as usual.
But, also as usual, my small critic

I am only sorry that the Sun is so present on her face on our left side.
You used the 70-200 as you often do.

Alis, if you can and you are willing, repeat the shot with the Sun just behind her and some fill flash from the camera or away from it (with the ST-E2).
I mean: Manual flash with HSS because you are - I guess - in an ambient with much light, a park.
EFC (-) 1 or even (-) 2. You have to try. That depends also from the distance you are shooting from.
Try again in an open area, with her in a shaded area (shadows from the trees are very good) and having that open area behind you.
Remember to increase your shutter speed to darken the background and make her pop.
I want to see that !
