Last edited by Donald; 20th January 2011 at 10:10 AM. Reason: PM to Richard re image size
Hi Richard and welcome to CiC.
It looks like a really nice image with a lot if interest and good composition but a bit hard to see in the size you have uploaded. The maximum size is 1024 pixels and will be downsized to 700 max for viewing but open in the larger form when clicked. It may lose some definition when downsizing so many post to at 700 pixels along the long side.
You might like to repost this image to at least 700 along the long side so we see and comment better. Have a look at the post at the top of this thread for me details on posting.
Does your camera give you highlight indicator, if so it would give you a clue to re-shoot. Also you could check out the tutorial on histograms. Sometimes you know that no matter what changes you make, shutter speed or aperture, you are just not going to lose the blown highlight without the rest of the image suffering somehow. So you are left to fixing in post processing, but even then other issues will arise, such as noise, and on top of that the image does not look like what you remember.
I really like this... I like the warm/cool colour contrast + light/dark + nice lines.
Its a bit hard to see in small size but the horizon looks like it may need a small correction...?
Thanks very much for the posts, and suggestions...despite clear instructions, I found a way to goof it up! So, lets hope this helps:
Darn, still not what I intended, but we learn from our mistakes.
I really like the composition. What caught my attention is the way the tungsten lighting is affecting the covered part of the house and the pavement on the road. It definitely puts contrast on the blue sky. The white sky is not a big deal for me since it is only covering a small part of the frame. You did a fine job in here, Richard.
Thanks, Jiro. This is one my more successful photos in the recent past. My eye is drawn to the single figure standing under the light down the platform. It was a lovely fall evening at an old station with classic architecture.
Your main subject is too small to be noticed immediately but your leading lines tells me that there is something important in that direction. Now, I know that it was that small figure.
Hi Richard,
I am glad you persevered with posting this image. I do like it for all the reasons Jiro says.
Thanks Jiro & Peter--you're right Jiro, I would like to see this figure standing about one light closer to the camera. I wanted to get the baggage wagon in the picture plus the lighting and lines from the building, so decided not to move the tripod. I may be giving myself too much credit for composing this photo, though.
Richard, your image definitely tells a story to me anyway - darkening sky (which carries the small white area well) station lit and the lone(ly) figure waiting to go home after a long day at work. Nice colour and composition, too.