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Thread: From colour to black & white

  1. #1

    From colour to black & white

    Hello I am new here. I just want to ask, is possible from foto's colour print to black & white foto ? how & is the result is same ?

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: From colour to black & white

    Hi and welcome,

    I'm sorry, but I don't understand the question enough to answer.
    I think we'll need to know what you have now, for example; a paper print, film negative, digital image file.
    And then what you want to get, before we can advise you.


  3. #3

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    Re: From colour to black & white

    Hi and welcome from me too.

    I'm also having trouble understanding your question - Are you asking "Is it possible to change a colour photo to a black and white one, and if so, how do you do it"?


    Colin -

  4. #4

    Re: From colour to black & white

    Thank for the answered, I am really sorry my english not so good, I am from Holland. I found the way how to printed from colour foto's to be black & white foto's. I am trying my english more profer, I think when I need more write again in english......!

  5. #5

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    Re: From colour to black & white

    Ik denk dat je Engels is waarschijnlijk nog beter dan mijn Nederlands!

  6. #6

    Re: From colour to black & white

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Ik denk dat je Engels is waarschijnlijk nog beter dan mijn Nederlands!
    Ben je Nederlander ?

  7. #7

    Re: From colour to black & white

    I am busy to make the portfolio. Is someone out there any advise for size foto for portfolio ?
    I just step few month ago from manual camera to reflex camera nikon D 80. The camera not yet under controle, anyway I am still trying to quick to learn it.

    This is pieces of for my portfolio, please give advise !!!!

    From colour to black & white

    From colour to black & white

    From colour to black & white

    From colour to black & white

  8. #8

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    Re: From colour to black & white

    "Ben je Nederlander ?"

    Nej, men jeg har folk, der kan oversætte for mig

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    The Netherlands

    Re: From colour to black & white

    Wil je de bestanden uit je camera zwart wit maken of wil je bestaande afdrukken op een of andere manier zwart wit maken?

    (translation: Do you want to make files or prints in B/W )

    @ Colin
    Babelfish or really some comprehension of Dutch?
    In case of Babelfish: your Babelfish is better then mine.

    edit, you answer already before i ask you something i just notice.
    Last edited by d3debian; 19th January 2009 at 06:26 PM.

  10. #10

    Join Date
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    Re: From colour to black & white

    "@ Colin
    Babelfish or really some comprehension of Dutch?"

    Google for the small stuff, Dutch clients for bigger stuff - and learning a bit myself along the way!



  11. #11

    Re: From colour to black & white

    Iwanbogor (Iwan?)

    You asked for advice on your portfolio photos.

    1. An interesting scene, but perhaps hardly enough colour to make it work as a colour photo. Perhaps convert to black and white? Also, I know the trees were probably not vertical when you took the shot, but perhaps it might work better if you rotate the photo slightly to make the trees stand up vertically more? The black tree trunk at the left of the photo adds nothing, and maybe consider cropping this out of the photo?
    2. I love this one. Only thing I would suggest is to tone down the bright highlight.
    3. Another visually appealing photo. I find the colour too yellow - perhaps it really was this colour in real life, but I wonder if you can adjust the white balance to make the photo more blue?
    4. This is the weak photo in your portfolio. What are you trying to say? Perhaps there is something about the storks on the left and the weather vane bird on the right? The photo lacks impact. The tower on the right is too far out of the photo and the sky, which dominates the shot, is too grey and boring. Sorry if I sound critical, please don't be discouraged!


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