Hmmm.. what am i doing wrong with posting pictures?? I'm sure i followed the instructions on the site. Help please!!
Which of the methods in the 'How do I post images' thread are you using? And where in the process described for that method do you think things might be going wrong?
That will help us diagnose the problem.
Hi Donald,
I have used the direct link method from my flickr account. So right clicked on the image, copied the URL, then pasted it into the box which pops up when i click on the 'add image to post' box. It then puts the link into my post with img/ on each side of it. i then clicked 'submit thread'...
Thanks Donald - have gone for the tinypic method instead!!
But with the Flickr route, I think where you may have had the problem is with your copying of the URL.
What are you using as your browser- Firefox or IE?
If Firefox, you need to right click on your image in Flickr and then Copy Image location. That is then what you insert into the Insert Image window in CiC. If it's IE you are using, then its' right click and then (what I do is) 'Properties'. Copy the URL that appears in that window and paste that into the Insert link window on CiC.
Hi Donna,
Donald is correct ...
I find with Flickr, it is very easy to inadvertently get a page link instead of an image link, so all Flickr users; when you copy/paste the url; make sure it ends in ".jpg" or it won't work when Insert Image is used.
Anyway, glad you succeeded with TinyPic.
Totally pathetic! I mean, let's get the tin bucket out and start rattling the loose change "sad dog need TLC and sympathy". I suppose you drove down to M&S after and bought her some of England's finest choice meats just to perk her up?
You need to do better...