and during the war had a consignment of condoms, which were to be sent to Russia, marked as 'Extra small'.
and during the war had a consignment of condoms, which were to be sent to Russia, marked as 'Extra small'.
and Folks say french and brits don't get along....
aright, winston churchill it is, bronze statue in front of the Petit Palais in Paris...just liked the portrait I did...
(here is an article on when that happened)
Wasn't there a French Mashall Neighhhh?
A moustached chap on horseback with a flute?
Not a lot of sympathy for this one from this side of the Channel.
I'll pretend not to know his name......
Come on....those are just statues...(as a matter of fact, I usually take the picture because I like the subject) and after, eventually, I'll check who it is.....
I'll try to find more neutral pics next time....I guess in a different neighborhood in Paris...turns out last time, I mostly visited the Eiffel tower neighborhood...(lost of military buildings there: military school, Les Invalides, ....)
I'll head north next time....
I'm laughing my a&*e off! This thread is top!
It's a pity that we can't see the hooves; apparently how the horse stands has symbolic meaning -- not that it's obvious to me -- something like gallantry in battle, winning or not winning and so on.
reminds me of speech made in Paris by our previous hero
"Quand je reviens, je vue que ma derriere est divise en deux....."
But this guy - isn't that helmet from the Yves St Laurent collection for the Franko-Prussian war, tho the one Bismark wore with that cute spike on top stole the show? Another French Marshall whose pronounciation one has to watch, Foch??
close but no...this is Joffre....
check the full pic on wiki
Fair cop Vince. Here is another
He is looking at the Niagara falls, very appropriate, and plinth worth a thought. Sorry not my own pic, I have one somewhere of the older statue on the USA side with my 2 daughters giving him a hug, but not sure whether I have negative or Mary does. This one is on the Canadian side
Last edited by crisscross; 27th January 2009 at 03:40 PM.
sorry, had to look it I won't answer here!
aright, we got closure now!
good thread though.
In case anyone is looking, yes Nicola Tesla, electrical genius that no-one could follow; installed the world's first major hydro project on the falls and made sure we got AC distribution instead of DC as Edison thought OK. Had to be asked to leave his lab as it had got too many holes blown through reinforced concrete sides from his experiments. In 1931 offered to show armed forces how this could be applied to destroying whole towns and/or armies at a distance, thus ending possibility of war being declared. Died in poverty. USA military rumoured to be trying to emulate his work in a remote part of Alaska now.