Browsing through another photography forum I visit, I ran across a couple of the tutorials on this one. Poked around for a bit to get the "flavor" of the place and so far like what I see and read. Seems to be a rather friendly forum to share ideas and thoughts about life behind a lens.
I started shooting photos WAY back in the late 60's and haven't really stopped since. Did slow way down for a while, but then my dear wife bought me a DSLR and the bug is back and stronger than ever. Photography has always been my only source of artistic expression because I sure can't paint, draw, sing, write, compose, play music, etc....

I've had the chance to shoot rolls of film through a wide variety of different cameras and formats. From an early folding Kodak 1A Autographic, to a friends Haselblad (and several others). Many 35mm bodies have come and gone, and now digital has arrived to stay for me.