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Thread: Hello from Michigan!

  1. #1
    New Member
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    Jan 2011
    West side of Michigan
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    Scott Gordon

    Hello from Michigan!

    Browsing through another photography forum I visit, I ran across a couple of the tutorials on this one. Poked around for a bit to get the "flavor" of the place and so far like what I see and read. Seems to be a rather friendly forum to share ideas and thoughts about life behind a lens.

    I started shooting photos WAY back in the late 60's and haven't really stopped since. Did slow way down for a while, but then my dear wife bought me a DSLR and the bug is back and stronger than ever. Photography has always been my only source of artistic expression because I sure can't paint, draw, sing, write, compose, play music, etc.... I've had the chance to shoot rolls of film through a wide variety of different cameras and formats. From an early folding Kodak 1A Autographic, to a friends Haselblad (and several others). Many 35mm bodies have come and gone, and now digital has arrived to stay for me.

  2. #2

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    Re: Hello from Michigan!

    This is a fun place and I am sure you will enjoy your stay.

  3. #3
    jiro's Avatar
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    Willie or Jiro is fine by me.

    Re: Hello from Michigan!

    Welcome to CiC. Looking forward to seeing some of your images, Sir.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: Hello from Michigan!

    Quote Originally Posted by sjgordon View Post
    Browsing through another photography forum I visit, I ran across a couple of the tutorials on this one. Poked around for a bit to get the "flavor" of the place and so far like what I see and read. Seems to be a rather friendly forum to share ideas and thoughts about life behind a lens.

    I started shooting photos WAY back in the late 60's and haven't really stopped since. Did slow way down for a while, but then my dear wife bought me a DSLR and the bug is back and stronger than ever. Photography has always been my only source of artistic expression because I sure can't paint, draw, sing, write, compose, play music, etc.... I've had the chance to shoot rolls of film through a wide variety of different cameras and formats. From an early folding Kodak 1A Autographic, to a friends Haselblad (and several others). Many 35mm bodies have come and gone, and now digital has arrived to stay for me.
    Hi "sjgordon",

    That's quite a history you have there

    I can't do most of those other things either, so you're in good company

    Could I ask for a first name please? thanks

    Welcome to the CiC forums from ...

  5. #5
    New Member
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    Jan 2011
    West side of Michigan
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    Scott Gordon

    Re: Hello from Michigan!

    Thanks for the warm welcome everybody. Still trying to find my way around, but I'll get into the swing of things soon enough. First name is Scott. I will put it by my avatar... if I can find out how to get back to that portion of my profile .

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Windsor, Berks, UK
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    Dave Humphries :)

    Re: Hello from Michigan!

    Quote Originally Posted by sjgordon View Post
    Thanks for the warm welcome everybody. Still trying to find my way around, but I'll get into the swing of things soon enough. First name is Scott. I will put it by my avatar... if I can find out how to get back to that portion of my profile .
    Hi Scott,

    Looks like you succeeded - thanks.

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