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Thread: calm lake

  1. #1
    Njbowman's Avatar
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    Gerald Polachak

    calm lake

    nikon d700 with Tamron 18-270 lens
    calm lake

  2. #2
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: calm lake

    I like this shot, however I can't help but wonder how it would have looked useing a polarizer. I would also had liked to see the tops of the two tallest trees, I am guessing they end just outside of the frame?

  3. #3

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    Re: calm lake

    I've used a polarizer at length with film, generally in conjunction with a 25A filter to knock down the blue to nearly black or whiten clouds. I did some shots not too long ago using a circular polarizer and frankly, wasn't overly pleased with the results. However, the results I did get that I liked, almost all were in relatively harsh sunlight, highly reflective conditions none of which this photo represents. I don't think you would gain any more detail in the foreground water or the sky, except perhaps to give you a little more contrast between the sky and clouds.
    I like the shot as it is, though would like to see something else to the left of the far left tree -seems a little too open to me. A note: Is that the sun setting or moon rising or a light in the far distance just above the horizon? And a second note: my opinion regarding the use of polarizers is based on very limited experience...hopefully, others with more usage time will also remark.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: calm lake

    Hi Gerald,

    Personally, I think I'd like to see it level too, perhaps a bit of counter clockwise rotation to fix that?

    EXIF Nikon D7000 at 1400 iso; 1/30 and f/3.5

    I had a go;
    calm lake

    Crop and straighten (put horizon nearer a third)
    Levels for white and grey points (to brighten up)
    Local Contrast Enhance (to enhance contrast)
    Sharpen (it was qquite soft even at 1:1 at 1599px)
    Clone out top of trees (cheating I know)
    Increase saturation a bit (improve water)
    Reduce to 700px
    Removed vignette (the dark corners)

    Not done in best order
    (and I probably overdid the sharpening)

    Any better?
    Or not what you wanted (or saw)?
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 22nd January 2011 at 01:58 AM.

  5. #5
    jeeperman's Avatar
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    Re: calm lake

    Wow, I think I was so focussed on the clear water.....I missed the horizon.

  6. #6

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    Re: calm lake

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Gerald,

    Personally, I think I'd like to see it level too, perhaps a bit of counter clockwise rotation to fix that?

    EXIF Nikon D7000 at 1400 iso; 1/30 and f/3.5

    I had a go;
    calm lake

    Crop and straighten (put horizon nearer a third)
    Levels for white and grey points (to brighten up)
    Local Contrast Enhance (to enhance contrast)
    Sharpen (it was qquite soft even at 1:1 at 1599px)
    Clone out top of trees (cheating I know)
    Increase saturation a bit (improve water)
    Reduce to 700px
    Removed vignette (the dark corners)

    Not done in best order
    (and I probably overdid the sharpening)

    Any better?
    Or not what you wanted (or saw)?
    Certainly a better rendition but I am of want to question that much detailed light on the tree bases and foreground water given the direction of the sun -then again, I completely missed the horizon out of kilter so not sure I am making any sense at all. Hard to look at thse on someone else's computer, especially one with a 15" CRT screen....yes, it is ancient.

  7. #7
    Njbowman's Avatar
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    Re: calm lake

    I have only been taking pictures since Christmas. I onlynhad a point and shoot before that. I have photoshop5 extended but I have not used it much. New camera for me. Nikon d7000 with tamron 18-270 I now have a hoya circular polarizer and uv filter on the lens.

    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 22nd January 2011 at 02:05 PM. Reason: correct typo

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: calm lake

    Quote Originally Posted by Njbowman View Post
    I have only been taking pictures since Christmas. I onlynhad a point and shoot before that. I have photoshop5 extended but I have not used it much. New camera for me. Nikon d7000 with tamron 18-270 I now have a hoya circular polarizer and uv filter on the lens.

    Hi Gerald,

    That's good then, keep posting and we'll keep advising, it is great watching people develop here, so do stick around, your photography and PP will improve.

    I used CS5 for the above editing and I've not long had it either and am still finding my way around it.


  9. #9
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: calm lake

    I like an image that impacts me emotionally. This one does because I can just "feel" the presence of some lunker largemouth bass hanging out around those tree stumps and I'd love to drop a lure next to one of the stumps. BTW: I never keep bass, I believe in catch and release...

  10. #10
    Njbowman's Avatar
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    Re: calm lake

    Thanks for the positive posts. It makes me want to go back and reshoot these tree again with all of the great tips I have recieved. A special thanks to Dave for redoing my photo. It showes me what everyone was saying. Next time I will be able to see the improvements through the viewfinder before I take the shot.
    Thanks Everyone
    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I like an image that impacts me emotionally. This one does because I can just "feel" the presence of some lunker largemouth bass hanging out around those tree stumps and I'd love to drop a lure next to one of the stumps. BTW: I never keep bass, I believe in catch and release...

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