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  1. #161

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    Re: The Parthenon in Nashville Tennessee

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    When I just saw these pictures I thought they were from the original monument "repaired" in CS5 so powerful is this software.
    The original monument is in fact, in a more rocky place...
    The point where you took the shot of the replica is very low and this is returning a less flattering perspective. Maybe you could correct it...
    The second shot is interesting with a strong perspective, but I can't understand why the third image is tilted
    Thank you for posting
    Yes, I repaired the Parthenon Ruins with CS11 auto repair tool. (beta stages LOL) :P (JK)

    I work 10 mins away from this place and I will try to take a snap of it closer this time. About the 3rd image, I'm trying to break the boring vertical columns by tilting it

    here's another shot from a different view.

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  2. #162
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: The Parthenon in Nashville Tennessee

    Quote Originally Posted by Crovean View Post
    Yes, I repaired the Parthenon Ruins with CS11 auto repair tool. (beta stages LOL) :P (JK) I work 10 mins away from this place and I will try to take a snap of it closer this time. About the 3rd image, I'm trying to break the boring vertical columns by tilting it here's another shot from a different view.
    Landscapes - Archive
    Hello Chriss
    Try to shoot at the distance with your 30D and the lens at 90mm or even better: with the 300mm
    I would like to see that.
    Have a nice week end

  3. #163
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Guide to creative sharpening

    I have been carefully reading this and experimenting at the same time.

    Stage 2: Creative sharpening is important regarding the "enhancement" of the main subject.

    Why did I remember to post this here ?
    Because of my idea of blurring the trees in the foreground and sharpening the background to give depth to the images.

    Great tutorial

  4. #164
    Ramblinman's Avatar
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    Re: Guide to creative sharpening

    Gilgo Beach, Amityville, NY
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  5. #165
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Rock

    What a great image. The goats give a relationship to the size of the rock and it is neat how they have congregated in the only shade around. Congrats on a super shot!

  6. #166
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Arrabida, Setubal Portugal

    From inside the Monastery of Arrábida

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  7. #167
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Guide to creative sharpening

    Quote Originally Posted by Ramblinman View Post
    Gilgo Beach, Amityville, NY
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    That is nice Paul.
    However, I would like to see some detail on the beach... You could probably clone the white cloud and correct the perspective...

    Thank you so much for posting

  8. #168
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    Re: Guide to creative sharpening

    Thanks! I dont like to alter the my pictures too much; with the exception of exposure, hue, saturation and curves.

    The problem was that the picture was taken from the bay side and there is no beach to speak of. Its just a narrow boardwalk that is lined with garbage cans and picnic tables. All the beaches here face south to the Atlantic Ocean, which makes it impossible to catch a sunset from there.

  9. #169
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Arrabida, Setubal Portugal II

    Another couple of nice ones Antonio. Looks like your on a ladder.

  10. #170
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    Re: Arrabida, Setubal Portugal II

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    Another couple of nice ones Antonio. Looks like your on a ladder.
    No Steve I was not.
    The construction dates from the XV/XVI century and it was built each part at a time. So, there are buildings up, buildings down, twisted and ...
    Hard to explain what I want to say...
    The buildings has been built along many years what makes them to appear randomly. It is a clumsy explanation but I hope you understand what I am trying to transmit

    I am sorry but at this moment I do not have any photo of the hole construction. There are many many in the net and I don't want to have one like everybody does. Silly me perhaps.

    I will remember and re-shoot because I want to go there again. It is only some 16 kms (10 miles) away...

  11. #171

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    Re: The Parthenon in Nashville Tennessee

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    Hello Chriss
    Try to shoot at the distance with your 30D and the lens at 90mm or even better: with the 300mm
    I would like to see that.
    Have a nice week end
    Ok António, here's my 2nd try.

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    This is the farthest I can go with this angle. If i move back farther, tress and plans would cover the subject.

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    75mm is the most I can do to fit all of it for both images. Not really sure how i can use the 300mm for trees and structure would be blocking it.

    But anyway I do need better lens time to save up.

  12. #172
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    The Silk Mill Derby

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    This is the first modern factory in the world, for the production of silk using ideas stolen from the Italians. It is not clear if this or part of this existed in 1702 when the mill was founded by George Sorocold, an engineer.

    300 poor souls were employed here and the mill was powered by a water wheel 7 metres in diameter. That's wot it says on my factsheet anyway
    Last edited by arith; 18th June 2010 at 10:44 AM.

  13. #173
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Parthenon copy

    Thank you Chriss for having re-shot and posted the images for my humble opinion.
    OK Then here I go image
    Quote Originally Posted by Crovean View Post
    Landscapes - Archive
    The image looks a bit "smashed" due to the use of a long lens but that is in fact what I was telling you to do in one of the previous posts. However, the angle is flattering and convenient under my point of view.
    What would I do to try to get it better ?
    If possible, shoot at a higher angle which I believe is very difficult if not impossible.
    Move more to the left to get more of the trees or even placing them completely inside the frame. That depends what you got there. If you have more trees or not, etc.
    Get more inside the frame. What do I mean "get more inside the frame" ? It is to get a broader angle using however the same lens what will make you move further away from the subject.
    But if you can't go too far away from the target - our temple - then get a wider angle.
    And show me what do you have between you and the temple. Show me those trees or buildings or whatever you have.
    Get them in the frame. Yes, get them in the frame. But, out of focus. Focus at infinity and check your DOF.
    The hour for the shot is OK. Maybe the image would be better with more brightness and contrast. But here we are talking about photo manipulation/treatment and not about the moment of capture which would lead us to another matter in which - as in this very one - I know very little.

    A recreation of your image.
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    2.ed image
    Quote Originally Posted by Crovean View Post
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    Huummm... not a very flattering angle is it ?
    I would say: something to avoid.
    However, it's probably not the point of view of Ed Freeman is it ?.
    Last edited by Antonio Correia; 20th June 2010 at 08:46 PM.

  14. #174
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: The Silk Mill Derby

    Thank you Steve for posting this picture of the factory and telling us something about it.

    Have a nice week end

  15. #175
    arith's Avatar
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    Derby City Centre

    Does this count as a landscape I can't remember why I used the flash but the first is a two frame HDR.

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  16. #176

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    Re: Parthenon copy

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    Thank you Chriss for having re-shot and posted the images for my humble opinion.
    OK Then here I go image

    The image looks a bit "smashed" due to the use of a long lens but that is in fact what I was telling you to do in one of the previous posts. However, the angle is flattering and convenient under my point of view.
    What would I do to try to get it better ?
    If possible, shoot at a higher angle which I believe is very difficult if not impossible.
    Move more to the left to get more of the trees or even placing them completely inside the frame. That depends what you got there. If you have more trees or not, etc.
    Get more inside the frame. What do I mean "get more inside the frame" ? It is to get a broader angle using however the same lens what will make you move further away from the subject.
    But if you can't go too far away from the target - our temple - then get a wider angle.
    And show me what do you have between you and the temple. Show me those trees or buildings or whatever you have.
    Get them in the frame. Yes, get them in the frame. But, out of focus. Focus at infinity and check your DOF.
    The hour for the shot is OK. Maybe the image would be better with more brightness and contrast. But here we are talking about photo manipulation/treatment and not about the moment of capture which would lead us to another matter in which - as in this very one - I know very little.

    A recreation of your image.
    Landscapes - Archive

    2.ed image

    Huummm... not a very flattering angle is it ?
    I would say: something to avoid.
    However, it's probably is not the point of view of Ed Freeman is it ?.
    On your recreation, the tree actually give depth to the image and made it stand out more.

    When I got there, I didn't get much time to walk around for I this one on my way to work and had only about 10 mins. But, tomorrow after Church my wife wants to have a picnic by the Parthenon so maybe this time I can get more pictures and have more time to walk around.

  17. #177
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    Re: Imperial Palace

    hi Antonio and CinC pipz.

    I want contribute some image here. I took this picture yesterday.
    I had a couple of pics from there before I went to Tokyo tower.

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    This house I think is part of guardhouse near at the Sakuradamon gate(far left) in Imperial Palace.

    I feel the colors in it are dead . It was cloudy yesterday here.
    I want to improve more, let me know where I can enhance it.

    Best regards,

  18. #178

    Re: Imperial Palace

    Quote Originally Posted by triggerhappy View Post

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    I feel the colors in it are dead . It was cloudy yesterday here.
    I want to improve more, let me know where I can enhance it.

    Best regards,
    Hi Mark,

    You can boost the colours slightly in Photoshop using hue/saturation adjustment (either from the menu, or via an adjustment layer). But to be honest, there isn't a great deal of colour here to start with - a pale sky, a somewhat colourless building, the water looks muddy, and in the centre is that long gray wall. And as you said, it was a dull day, which doesn't help at all. I did an edit to boost the colour, but as you can see, most of the colour is in the trees.
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  19. #179

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Imperial Palace

    A few thoughts ...

    1. The image is a little flat - so bringing in the black and white clipping points will make it more dynamic

    2. The space above and belov the house / wall really don't contribute a lot - so 2/3 of it can be cut out

    3. I've also given it more of a Autumn feel

    What do you think?

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  20. #180
    pwnage101's Avatar
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    Re: Imperial Palace

    Went off shooting with my new 35mm f1.8 lens. I wasn't aiming to shoot landscape, so these panoramic shots consist of a small portion of all the shots from today. Otherwise, I would have brought the wide angle

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    most of the shots were from messing around on the rocks:

    Edit: whoops, sorry i'll read the rules next time.
    Last edited by pwnage101; 25th June 2010 at 05:47 AM.

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