Originally Posted by
Indeed it is...and, if you could ever so slightly tone down the yellow in the villa, you'd have a perfect photograph. Nice cloning job.
To tone that down, you might want to do a new layer " Mode: overlay" and set gray to 20% (as a starting place) with your brush opacity to 75%, 70% flow. From there, you can go up or down in either the brus or the layer opacity. Make sure your foreground color is black.
One other thing, you are not saving your files to the correct size for CiC. Use the "Save to Web" feature in PS and set the longest side for 700. You will want to sharpen before this step. After you have saved it, reopen and resharpen. I use something in the neighborhood of 110%, 1.3 Radius, 3 levels for the first sharpen (you can duplicate the layer if you think it needs to be sharper) and for the post (700 side) sharpen, I use 163%, .3, 0 These are just starting points...adjust to your taste.
Have fun experimenting.