To me, a B&W will always win over a color image, but I am real old school, so it's probably to be expected. I do like it better now.
To me, a B&W will always win over a color image, but I am real old school, so it's probably to be expected. I do like it better now.
My version. A bit too strong perhaps...
As Chris said the blue filter for the sky was essencial but also the magenta one was used.
Guess how I did it.
Mad thing
Copy image and paste in CS5 as new doc. Saved as tif. Closed. Re-opened as smart object.
Greyscale and adjustments with the colour slides. Back to CS5. Canvas at suitability.
Perhaps I should have done a fine black line around the image before the canvas...
Thanks Chris, now I can sleep at night.
Come on Edwin... Too kind as usual.
When or better, while I was working on your image I noticed some little things that could improve it under my humble point of view.
One is that areas around the tree are rather tight. I think it needs more room around, but not much, just a tad.
Another one is that the image as it was "stolen" from me - with that size - made it almost impossible to crop the way I would like to. Yes, I could have cloned parts of it indeed. But I have not done so as you can see. I would rather apply 3/4 proportion that the one used by you, Edwin
There are also two little pieces/parts of clouds I should have cloned from one side and from the other. Little bits I should have cloned indeed.
I feel that the large canvas makes the image stronger. However, it could or, should not be posted on a white wall.
On the other hand...
Let's assume that the wall is white and we have this image hanged on it. Imagine a spot over it at some 30 degrees producing a shadow of the frame which is itself, away from the wall 3 cm or even 5 cm. The plain, perfectly vertical. The light and the shadow would make it pop.
I laugh at myself. I say one thing and the next moment I say the contrary. I look like certain politicians.
You are such a VERY HUMBLE man Antonio, you must surely be an Aussie I take your point about nailing a copy of this image with white border on a white wall, just for you I'd paint my wall black, how do you think that would go? Thanks again mate for your humble opinion & effort.
P.S. I don't think you would make a good politician as you're too honest.
Last edited by Edwin Harvey; 15th June 2011 at 07:01 AM.
Definitely this is better than the former one.
Well, I like it better Just me...
Do not paint your wall with black. It makes your room look smaller and it is sad. Bright light colours are the best
Use a texture - ceramic tiles - to cover the wall for example. It is a good option like this one herewith.
And thank you for your kind words.
Last edited by Antonio Correia; 15th June 2011 at 04:12 PM.
Nice Vandenberg
Good work
Ashwin, not all are dishonest, but most are, from what I've observed over my years on Terra Firma.
I see you have a 27 inch Mac mate, nice machine. I have 24 inch Mac, they're great computers for photography. I've had mine for 2 years now & never had any problems with it. Thanks also for you're kind words about my image, I always appreciate your feedback.