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Thread: 3 Roses and a book.

  1. #41
    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Quote Originally Posted by Richard Donham View Post
    Jiro-I really appreciated seeing how you set up your lighting and the subject. If Ansel Adams is that inspiring, I think I better get a copy and study it hard.
    Richard, I think you're doing yourself a very good favor reading Ansel Adams autobiography. His transition from being a musician first and then a photographer is really something. I'm almost in the middle part of the book and still inspired with all the stories about the nice people that surrounds him along his photographic journey.
    Last edited by jiro; 26th January 2011 at 02:31 PM.

  2. #42
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Quote Originally Posted by Klickit View Post
    Thanks for showing this, Jiro. You have very ably demonstrated that it is perfectly feasible to take excellent images with absolutely basic equipment. Your pp skill certainly brings out a beautifully balanced black & white image.
    Thanks a lot, Kit. Being a newbie to digital photography, I'm trying to include some background detail on my shots so if others are interested they can find out how it was done. That's how I learn (by spending many hours searching for some nice tutorials on the net) and so in return I am sharing what I know back to the community. It'd be a great joy for me if some members have learned something from this and then posted their work here at CiC. Isn't it?

  3. #43
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skitalez View Post
    Jiro, and why this book? It will not be better also pathos, something more ancient, Gothic, antiquarian, written by a hand and a feather?
    Yegor, it just so happened that right now I am reading Ansel Adams autobiography book. Next time, I'll try something different and you'll see it here at CiC. Thanks.

  4. #44
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    The same image but the color on the rose was reintroduced. Hope you all like it.

    3 Roses and a book.

    Thanks for viewing.

  5. #45
    djg05478's Avatar
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Quote Originally Posted by jiro View Post
    The same image but the color on the rose was reintroduced. Hope you all like it.
    I do. I love that effect in photos. I have to restrain myself from applying it to every photo.

  6. #46
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Thanks, Debbie.

  7. #47

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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Maybe it is just me, but I think the picture says more with the roses yellow. Ansel Adams's B&W, is so well known, and here a small bouquet of roses pays homage from the digital era, and does not try to compete with his B&W photo.

  8. #48
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Quote Originally Posted by tameigh View Post
    Maybe it is just me, but I think the picture says more with the roses yellow. Ansel Adams's B&W, is so well known, and here a small bouquet of roses pays homage from the digital era, and does not try to compete with his B&W photo.
    Thanks, Tim. So, with 3 options you like the one with selective coloring. That's nice. Thanks for your opinion.

  9. #49

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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    I think with the color reintroduction shot, you need to increase the shadow value a little as it almost seems to be "floating" above the surface rather than resting lightly. One of my students was experimenting with that today. She is working hard doing layer masks and is having a blast...I really love my photo kids as they all are into being the best they can...makes for easy teaching.

  10. #50
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Thanks for the suggestion, Chris. Will try to burn the shadow area a little bit next time.

  11. #51

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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    I rather liked your assistant too & such a photogenic one. I liked both the original shot & the post. One can imagine stories for the pic background eg. reading book, received flowers, deserted book!


  12. #52
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nihia View Post
    I rather liked your assistant too & such a photogenic one. I liked both the original shot & the post. One can imagine stories for the pic background eg. reading book, received flowers, deserted book!

    Thanks for viewing, Nihia. I'm glad you like it.

  13. #53
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisC View Post
    One of my general to the whole world pet peeves anymore (and I have a few), is that we are so used to being analysed or analyzing, informed, harrassed, bombarded and directed to buy or obtain something, we simply have forgotten how to appreciate simplicity and beauty for its just being there. I like that Donald sees the purpose was not a linkage between the book and the flowers, but that it was a great photograph. Whoohoo, Donald.
    Everything doesn't have to have a message of great social importance. Sometimes, it just has to please the eye and Jiro's roses on the book is such a pleasure. It's a book and some roses and very well composed and shot. Good job.
    This is so well stated. How about we do something just for the sake of doing it.

    Very well composed and I like the sharpness of your b&w conversion. I am also impressed with the simplicity and creartivity of your setup...who needs a studio.

  14. #54
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Quote Originally Posted by PBelarge View Post
    This is so well stated. How about we do something just for the sake of doing it.

    Very well composed and I like the sharpness of your b&w conversion. I am also impressed with the simplicity and creartivity of your setup...who needs a studio.
    Thank you very much, Pierre for the warm comment. For small work my setup would be fine (for now). I always work with whatever my budget allows me, Sir. Hehe. Btw, welcome to CiC.
    Last edited by jiro; 27th January 2011 at 04:55 PM.

  15. #55
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Hi Jiro,

    I do like the last effort and given this is Ansel's autobiograghy that was completed after his death maybe the title should be changed to "In memroy of the master". Well done.

  16. #56
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Peter, I think that would be the right title for this image. Thank you very much for the idea. Yours is more apt for this image. Thank you!

  17. #57
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Quote Originally Posted by jiro View Post
    There are really times when you are looking for some inspiration but can't seem to find it.
    Am I the only one to notice the reference on the page to the "flowering of intuition"? To further quote the page, "everything fell into place in the most agreeable way"... I especially like the version with the colour reintroduced into the flowers, Jiro. Lovely work; you are an inspiration. I especially appreciate seeing your setup and hope that more people will share their own.

    Love your assistant by the way, much more cooperative than my Stella; I hope you will see fit to feature him more prominently some day soon .

  18. #58
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Quote Originally Posted by purplehaze View Post
    Am I the only one to notice the reference on the page to the "flowering of intuition"? To further quote the page, "everything fell into place in the most agreeable way"... I especially like the version with the colour reintroduced into the flowers, Jiro. Lovely work; you are an inspiration. I especially appreciate seeing your setup and hope that more people will share their own.

    Love your assistant by the way, much more cooperative than my Stella; I hope you will see fit to feature him more prominently some day soon .
    You got me this time, Janis. I thought I could keep the clues very subtle but you blew one of my covers. There is another hidden but obvious clue on my image. That page was not an accident when I chose it. Can you see the other clue?

    I was actually hoping for that same thing to happen. I wish others would also start sharing their ideas and method on how did they arrive at such wonderful shots. It'd be a great encouragement for us who are just starting in photography. Being a newbie, I am totally in awe about other photographers making these very nice images as if it was second nature to them. I wish we could start something like that here at CiC, but that is only my opinion. As you know, it is a personal choice to share your "secrets". Just kidding. The only problem that I see when that happen in CiC is that it would now be hard to compete at our mini competitions because everyone would be that good! Kind regards,
    Last edited by jiro; 28th January 2011 at 04:03 PM.

  19. #59

    Re: 3 Roses and a book.


    I think most of have had a go at shots like this as it is a great way to learn about the effects of lighting and PP. Few of us would think how useful this exploration is to others. I think you have done a stirling job here because it illustrates a useful technique without the risk of copying anothers style. I would certainly share technique if I thought anyone was interested but it is a fact that as you get more confidence in your shots the less you post EXIF and notes on 'how I went about it'. I think this is because as we become more experienced we 'think' less about what we do to get the shot and rely more on 'instinct'. This is why Colin's portrait tutorial is such an achievement. Stopping to think how you do it when you know full well how to do it goes against instinct. I must admit I do not keep notes on what I do and most of the results come from reapplying basic techniques in different ways. Most shots I honestly could not remember exactly what I did. There are two reasons for this firstly I do not want to get into a rut with my style and secondly it does not occur to me that anyone would be particularly interested.

    I suspect the only way you will get regular tutorial on technique is for people to ask. I am certain that most people on CiC will gush if you ask the question "but how did you....." I am really surprised that more people do not ask this at the end the competitions. There is a fair bit of back patting and friendly rivalry but few people ask "can you tell me how you went about getting such and such a shot"

    Personally I find posting EXIF data as much use as a chocolate teaspoon. If Colin has spent 6hrs wading in shark infested waters with 1/2 a dozen filters sellotaped to his ultra wide angle it is hardly going to reveal that in the EXIF. Novices then wonder why they cannot emmulate his seascapes by setting the camera to his EXIF data and dipping a toe in the briney at Margate. So what you have done here is infinitely more useful than posting the EXIF but it does take discipline.
    Last edited by Wirefox; 28th January 2011 at 07:46 PM.

  20. #60
    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: 3 Roses and a book.

    Very well said, Steve. Thank you very much for sharing your insight.

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