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Thread: More winter.....

  1. #1

    More winter.....

    What do you think, please?

    More winter.....

    reedited (I'm trying to get the cattails to "pop" more):

    More winter.....

    More winter.....

    Does anyone know the 1940s french film by director Jean Cocteau - La Belle et La Bete? It's in B&W and is EXTREMELY atmospheric. It's really a series of GORGEOUS moving photographs. The visual of it is what really speaks - there are very few words in the script. Anyway, all of the outdoor shots on the beast's estate are full of brambles and silvery, misty, atmospheric light. When I was shooting these, I just couldn't get over the wash of shiny, silver light. Maybe, someone will understand what I mean when I say - tunnelly. (Yes, like a "light at the end of the tunnel" type of thing.)

    More winter.....

    More winter.....

    #5 Silvery pattern
    More winter.....

    These last 3 are meant to be more on the "impressionistic" or surreal side of things. Do they work for anyone else? (she said with eyes squinched waiting for someone to pull the trigger.)
    Last edited by Katy Noelle; 2nd February 2011 at 04:57 PM.

  2. #2
    jiro's Avatar
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    Re: More winter.....

    I like #2 and #3 a lot, Katy. I think you captured the right mood on these 2 shots.

  3. #3

    Re: More winter.....

    Oops! #5 was the same as #4. It's fixed, now.

    Thanks, Jiro! See, now, I love #3 but it's scary because it seems like it might not be "correct".

    However, even though I'm waiting for someone to "pull the trigger" on these, I'm not afraid of some hearty C&C!

    My husband thinks that #1 with the weeds is neither here nor there - not weeds - not landscape. Here's an edited version (actually, that first one is SOOC - I didn't realize.)

    More winter.....

  4. #4

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    Re: More winter.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Katy Noelle View Post
    What do you think, please?

    More winter.....

    More winter.....

    Does anyone know the 1940s french film by director Jean Cocteau - La Belle et La Bete? It's in B&W and is EXTREMELY atmospheric. It's really a series of GORGEOUS moving photographs. The visual of it is what really speaks - there are very few words in the script. Anyway, all of the outdoor shots on the beast's estate are full of brambles and silvery, misty, atmospheric light. When I was shooting these, I just couldn't get over the wash of shiny, silver light. Maybe, someone will understand what I mean when I say - tunnelly. (Yes, like a "light at the end of the tunnel" type of thing.)

    More winter.....

    More winter.....

    #5 Silvery pattern
    More winter.....

    These last 3 are meant to be more on the "impressionistic" or surreal side of things. Do they work for anyone else? (she said with eyes squinched waiting for someone to pull the trigger.)
    Hi katy, i think the type of lighting your talking about is back lighting. You can tell by the lack of detail in the front. One of the things i do on a regular basis, is set my tripod or monopod on the ground and look which way the shadow goes. Then i can addjust my position for the type of shot i want. I usually go for a slight crossing light from behind me. Unless ofcourse i'm after a backlit shot.

    As far as the shots you took, it's hard to pull these off, in my opinion. I think mainly because its soo hard to isolate a subject in these brushy conditions. Your eye goes to the bright light on the frost, but when it gets there, you don't know what your looking for. It's kind of like you took a photo of a beautiful background and removed the subject.(that's the best i can explain it.)

    A shot like this, either looks good really wide(with a clear subject) so you can take it all in , or really tight and key on the ice.

    Just my opinion, and i hope some others, with more landscape experience than me, give their opinion.

  5. #5

    Re: More winter.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve S View Post
    Hi katy, i think the type of lighting your talking about is back lighting. You can tell by the lack of detail in the front. One of the things i do on a regular basis, is set my tripod or monopod on the ground and look which way the shadow goes. Then i can addjust my position for the type of shot i want. I usually go for a slight crossing light from behind me. Unless ofcourse i'm after a backlit shot.

    As far as the shots you took, it's hard to pull these off, in my opinion. I think mainly because its soo hard to isolate a subject in these brushy conditions. Your eye goes to the bright light on the frost, but when it gets there, you don't know what your looking for. It's kind of like you took a photo of a beautiful background and removed the subject.(that's the best i can explain it.)

    A shot like this, either looks good really wide(with a clear subject) so you can take it all in , or really tight and key on the ice.

    Just my opinion, and i hope some others, with more landscape experience than me, give their opinion.
    I was going for a backlit shot but, as I was looking at these, yesterday, I wondered if my flash would have made a difference or helped at all. I did spot meter off of the front of the cattails, etc. and I was hoping that that might help a bit more. I did take many shots with side lighting, etc. - I really watched the light and the sparkles but these are the ones that I liked the best.

    As for the shot just being a background (well described) - in #3, somehow, I feel like I am the subject. I don't know if that makes any sense. A feeling that I could crawl through, there. #4 and 5, truthfully, I had had the same thought - if only there was a bird or something.....

    I'm not sure - are these landscapes? I do hope that someone else has some insight. Thanks!!!

  6. #6

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    Re: More winter.....

    Is it your property? Can you hang a bird bell nearby? This would greatly increase your odds of getting a little focal point to fly into your picture.

  7. #7
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: More winter.....

    They look like infrared images. Very nice.

  8. #8
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: More winter.....

    Number 3 is a classic "texture" shot. Sometimes referred to as a "pattern" shot. The sort of thing to hang in a room for accent, rather than center of attention. Beautiful!

    Number 5 is close to that, also, but the little spots of detail at the top take away from that effect. Crop the top 1/3 off and it falls into place.


  9. #9
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    Re: More winter.....

    Katy: I think you did a remarkable job in capturing both the texture of the frost and the coloring. I live in New England, too, so winter ice scenes are a common subject for me as well. But I think you have done a better job than I've been able to do. I have trouble getting the crispness of the frost and the color right. I always wind up with a yellowish cast and the clarity of the ice is frequntly missing. Bravo.

  10. #10

    Re: More winter.....

    Thanks, all, for your input!

    Tim, unfortunately, it's not on our property. These are our neighbors who own a gorgeous patch of meadow/swamp/beaver pond. These were in the swamp/beaver pond. I would have loved to climb over the snow bank to get different angles and closeups but, I wasn't sure if I'd sink or not! Anyway, even though we're friendly with them, I think that they think that I'm crazy out there taking all of these photos (I do have their permission, though) - they're the kind of people who plant plastic daffodils every spring. (They might just get away with it, too, if it weren't for the blue roses stuck in the ground. Very sweet people, though.)

    This is what's on the other side of the road. (Proving that I really am struggling with these color issues, too.)

    Thanks, Pops! My sister, Suzy, said basically the same thing on the phone. I needed that input!

    Thanks, Homer! (May I please say that you have a wonderful name? It sounds like an author from the 19th century or something.) The moment was definitely a gift from nature. It was the softest, hazy, winter morning light. Bitterly cold, though - 6 degrees F!

    More winter.....

    I've been struggling with too blue, too yellow, underexposed because it's so bright, too. I'm just still on the beginning end of things and haven't gotten into gray cards, yet. (Soon, I suspect...) Now, all of the more experienced photographers, here, are going to wince but, I keep an eye on the screen and how the photo is coming out and, sometimes, (If it's very yellow) set my white balance to tungsten lighting or, more often than not, just to sunlight. If I leave it on auto wb, then, I find that it's very hard to fix in post processing.The thing is, I'm more interested in an artistic interpretation than being very literal. I'm somewhat successful, maybe, but on a steep learning curve. The way the natural light is always changing is a constant learning experience for me. (Usually, the hard way.) But, I'm wiffling on.

  11. #11
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    Re: More winter.....

    I'm more interested in an artistic interpretation than being very literal.
    I might have said this before, but I'll repeat here. Photography has a purpose in recording events of the moment. Photography has a purpose in creating art. Only sometimes do those two merge into one.

    I was once working in Bill's darkroom, trying to get a good picture out of a couple of rolls I had taken of Fortification Hill. ( ) Each time I'd come out with a print, Bill would look at it and ask me "Are you satisfied with this one?" I'd look at my print in his hand and shake my head, "No." Back in I'd go for another struggle at the enlarger. Finally, when he asked, "Are you satisfied with this one?" I nodded "Yes." He said "Good. That means you did it right, this time." Then he put the print on his table and started to examine it, talking to me about what was good and what could be changed next time.

    If you are satisfied with your results this time you have done this one right. That is the only rule that is hard and fast, in my book.


  12. #12

    Re: More winter.....

    Good insight, Pops! I'm not liking anything that I've done, at the moment - well, I do but I don't (If that makes any sense.) I've read a quote somewhere - the basic gist was that their favorite photo is the one that they'll take tomorrow. Anyway, your words are encouraging for me, today (as per usual)!

  13. #13
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: More winter.....

    Quote Originally Posted by PopsPhotos View Post
    I might have said this before, but I'll repeat here. Photography has a purpose in recording events of the moment. Photography has a purpose in creating art. Only sometimes do those two merge into one.
    Another one! (Pops will know what I mean)

    Have just come late to this thread (sorry, Katy). What needs to be said has been said above. My only comment is that this is a set which, I think, demonstrates your growing development (I know that others saw this same sort of evolution in my work when I was a relatively new member and I have seen in the work of some others as well). I think your comment about not being wholly satisfied with what you're producing at the moment is very telling. And I would suggest you consider the extent to which the reason for that is because you have raised the bar up on the standards you set for yourself, because you now know you have reached and can continue to stretch those standards to an even higher level.

    I remember being elated when I realised I could produce something that 'real' photographers on here thought was of reasonable quality. Then feeling totally frustrated and angry because I couldn't do that consistently and, it seemed, they could.

    And that's the frustration, beauty, stupidity and glory of learning and developing.
    Last edited by Donald; 4th February 2011 at 02:01 PM.

  14. #14

    Re: More winter.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Another one! (Pops will know what I mean)
    I know what you mean, too.

    I remember being elated when I realised I could produce something that 'real' photographers on here thought was of reasonable quality. Then feeling totally frustrated and angry because I couldn't do that consistently and, it seemed, they could.

    And that's the frustration, beauty, stupidity and glory of learning and developing.
    Thanks for putting it into words for me! Thanks, also, for your words of encouragement - they always pull me along, Donald!

    I DO love these, though. I shouldn't abandon them. I just don't know if they speak generally. There's a conundrum, now. Does anyone else see it? Universal appeal vs. personal expression (or SOMETHING like that.)

    You more experienced photographers seem to just churn them out. Even the ones that aren't, maybe, "wall hangers" are good. How often do the more advanced of you feel like you come out with a real "keeper"?

    Hope this isn't too much soup!

  15. #15
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: More winter.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Katy Noelle View Post
    You more experienced photographers seem to just churn them out. Even the ones that aren't, maybe, "wall hangers" are good. How often do the more advanced of you feel like you come out with a real "keeper"?
    The person you're trying to satisfy is you. If you do that, then it's a better than even chance that someone else will like it. Part of the reason for that is that 'you' will be in the picture - the passion and emotion you put into making it will be present and will, albeit subconciously, engage other people. If you merely try and produce something that you think will appeal to others, which you don't feel passionate about, then you'll fail to please anybody.

    How many keepers? I've tried to find it and I'm sure I didn't imagine it - I think Ansel Adams is reported as having said that getting 12 keepers per year was a good count. Now if that is a mis-attribution I am happy to have it corrected.

    I find I am now posting far fewer images up here. Not, I hope, because I am precious or vain (I did post up a howler a couple of weeks ago that some folks rightly, and in the nicest possible way, told me was rubbish), but because I've grown and, I would say, evolved, to be setting myself a standard that I'm trying to stick to.

    So, there are fewer that get a 'YES' reaction from me both when I hit the button and then again when I complete PP, but I hope they are better.

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    Mary... or Lucy... either is fine with me. ;)

    Re: More winter.....

    I think they are beautiful. I like the brightness in 1 and the blueness of 3.

    I was inspired by your blog and trudged out in the snow with Lucy, birdseed to fill the feeders (might as well get it all done while out), and my camera. I deleted everything... nothing's working for me. I must need a new camera. There was snow in my boots, down my pants, I was soaked from all the snow. Lucy was a 50lb snowball and she was not happy that she had to thaw out in the bathroom.

    But, thank you for 'your' beautiful shots and the inspiration to keep on trying... maybe I'll get one tomorrow.

  17. #17

    Re: More winter.....

    I think Ansel Adams is reported as having said that getting 12 keepers per year was a good count. Now if that is a mis-attribution I am happy to have it corrected.
    I heard that too.

    I do not think any of mine are keepers. I have to let the viewing public convince me on that score. In fact the ones I feel are OKish are the ones everyone else thinks are a pile of steaming Dodo do do

  18. #18

    Re: More winter.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    The person you're trying to satisfy is you. If you do that, then it's a better than even chance that someone else will like it. Part of the reason for that is that 'you' will be in the picture - the passion and emotion you put into making it will be present and will, albeit subconciously, engage other people. If you merely try and produce something that you think will appeal to others, which you don't feel passionate about, then you'll fail to please anybody.
    Oh! Deja-vu! I have to keep reinventing what this means. They talk about universal themes but we've been through this before - about how we could have a universal theme but does it always speak across cultures (which don't necessarily have to be just geographical.) I don't want to over think it, though.

    How many keepers? I've tried to find it and I'm sure I didn't imagine it - I think Ansel Adams is reported as having said that getting 12 keepers per year was a good count. Now if that is a mis-attribution I am happy to have it corrected.
    That's interesting and, actually, encouraging..... I think.

    I find I am now posting far fewer images up here. Not, I hope, because I am precious or vain (I did post up a howler a couple of weeks ago that some folks rightly, and in the nicest possible way, told me was rubbish), but because I've grown and, I would say, evolved, to be setting myself a standard that I'm trying to stick to.

    So, there are fewer that get a 'YES' reaction from me both when I hit the button and then again when I complete PP, but I hope they are better.
    I've noticed and been thinking about the things that you've just mentioned. I've been feeling "inbetween" and awkward - more confident and, really, not at all. Isn't it just grand?! You know, I hate my flickr account, really. I only got it to make mosaics and, then, to host photos that I post here. It's filled with a ton of photos that are either "practice" shots or shots that I just wasn't sure of. Then, there's the photoblog - don't care who follows - it's just a journal and I love it because, even if you guys "can" something that I love, I can still just stick it in there and not care.

  19. #19

    Re: More winter.....

    Quote Originally Posted by ilovelucydog View Post
    I think they are beautiful. I like the brightness in 1 and the blueness of 3.

    I was inspired by your blog and trudged out in the snow with Lucy, birdseed to fill the feeders (might as well get it all done while out), and my camera. I deleted everything... nothing's working for me. I must need a new camera. There was snow in my boots, down my pants, I was soaked from all the snow. Lucy was a 50lb snowball and she was not happy that she had to thaw out in the bathroom.

    But, thank you for 'your' beautiful shots and the inspiration to keep on trying... maybe I'll get one tomorrow.
    Mary, all that I can say is that, "you just made my day!"

    I got AWFULLY cold, too. I stepped into the snowbank to get closer and absolutely sunk! Filled my shoes with snow! Good thing I had the tripod to pull me out! After more than half an hour, I was frigid! Anyway, I just BET that you were cold! It was below zero F, here, this morning - I'll bet it was similar for you! Just to encourage you, though, I've been working on getting something like this for two months, now. It was just the moment! I can't wait for the next one....

    BTW, if you like these, you'll like this ~ "In a Soft Light". Her name is Mary, too, and she's a bit of a mentor for me. I was really worried, a month or so ago, that I was "copying" her (and Wendy, too, for that matter) but I'm just letting that go and shooting what and how I see it, at the moment.

  20. #20

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    Mary... or Lucy... either is fine with me. ;)

    Re: More winter.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Katy Noelle View Post
    Mary, all that I can say is that, "you just made my day!"

    I got AWFULLY cold, too. I stepped into the snowbank to get closer and absolutely sunk! Filled my shoes with snow! Good thing I had the tripod to pull me out! After more than half an hour, I was frigid! Anyway, I just BET that you were cold! It was below zero F, here, this morning - I'll bet it was similar for you! Just to encourage you, though, I've been working on getting something like this for two months, now. It was just the moment! I can't wait for the next one....

    BTW, if you like these, you'll like this ~ "In a Soft Light". Her name is Mary, too, and she's a bit of a mentor for me. I was really worried, a month or so ago, that I was "copying" her (and Wendy, too, for that matter) but I'm just letting that go and shooting what and how I see it, at the moment.
    I'm glad I made your day... I'm gifted like that. I made all of my Facebook friends day last week... I felt the need to remind people to always look at what button you may be pushing in your car... especially in the car wash. Somehow, in my Highlander, the overhead 'light' button turned into the sunroof button. Lucy and I were suds up as well as the car. Lucy may never go in a car wash again.

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