There are a number of issues with this photograph with the biggest your background being blown out. Guessing from how your foreground shadows extend forward, the sun was directly above and behind the bridge which, because you metered for the shadows, caused the light areas to get terrible overexposed.
Next time you might want to take several meter readings and dial in an average and then do a bracketed set and merge the three or work from the one that has the best overall exposure and use your Post Production editing tools to add or subtract as needed. Spot meter on the highlights and dial back from there.
I had a go at it in Silver Efex Pro only because there wasn't enough in the background to pull good detail from. If you do not have this program, use your channels menu (switch to monochrome) and work the gray values from there - and leave as an RGB.
I like the angle and though it is a bit too centered, it still works compositionally. I would have given it more foreground shadow as it is so nicely detailed and soft.