Very nice, I have had several large iguana as pets earlier on. One of nearly 6ft. This shot brings many memories.
This image certainly shows off his finer qualities of detail and colour. The image might be improved if you were to ask him to face the camera and smile. But other than that....
beautiful ++ most inspiring
Great shot Mel and I love the way the blurred background compliement your little green friend.
I agree with the comments above on the quality of the shot. But I'd also add that this is also demonstrates, I think, very good management of the post-processing (including re-sizing) process. There are times when it can be very difficult to retain the fine detail on a subject such as this when downsizing for the web ( I think it was Sean's tutorials on the subject on here that maybe alerted me to CiC in the first place).
I love the detail and color!