Hi Lisa,
Great shot by the way, but you asked for advice...
Unfortunately most of it is PP advice.
As I am not familiar enough with your camera, I can't really advise on that, you already seem to be doing 'OK' (bit of an understatement

While a higher shutter speed would help avoid the cat being any softer**, it would also sharpen up the pan blur on the nasty sharp things* at the bottom of frame, which I think contributes to the shot, so that
might be counter productive.
** The cat does look quite sharp to me (compared to foreground), so you must have been reasonably accurate keeping up with it in flight.
I'm afraid I am a Photoshop user and hence from a RAW image file, in ACR, Fill Light would have been the best bet to recover detail in the cat's body - I have no idea whether Aperture has that feature.
The first thought I had was "fill flash would help", but that would have also frozen the pan blur on the fixed parts of the shot too. Also, on a non-DSLR, turning flash on would probably confuse the automatics of the camera and you would end up not in sports mode, it would also, with anything but topline flashes (even on a DSLR), lower the shutter speed to 1/200 or less and probably result in a totally flash lit shot, or one with some dim blur around a sharp well exposed bits - not a good idea, so scratch that flash idea (unless you're Colin

he'd know how to do it

* I hope no cats were impaled during this session
I had a play in CS5 (although Elements at one tenth the price would have done the same) and here's what I achieved:
Levels adjustment of grey point (1.3)
Local Contrast Enhancement (20%, 40px radius)
Levels adjustment of grey point (1.2)
Clone out tree above rocks
Sharpen with USM 130%, 0.3 radius, 5 threshold (latter because it's a jpg)
Increased saturation (+20)
I might recrop losing 10% on left hand side, but didn't do that as it would make comparison in Lytebox here at CiC with your original more difficult.
Hope that helps,