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Thread: Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

  1. #1

    Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    This is one of my favorite photos of 2008. The reason behind this statement is that it took over year from first seeing this view and having the right conditions to photograph it. although Croabh Haven,is only 2 miles form home,every time the conditions looked right by the time I had arrived at my chosen spot the weather and/or light conditions had changed.

    Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    What is your favorite photo of 2008 and is there a story behind it?
    Last edited by Colin Southern; 25th January 2009 at 07:06 AM. Reason: Thread title changed with John's agreement

  2. #2

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    Re: Isle of Mull

    What a great theme John.

    Here's my favourite, titled "Beauty before Dawn". For me, it represents the fruits of labour - on this occasion I had to get up at approx 5am - take a 1/2 hour drive to the beach in the dark - walk along the beach in gumboots with a torch - setup the camera about 18" from the ground on a tripod in the middle of an estury containing about 2 inches of flowing water - and stand there for about 2 hours.

    But now I've got it forever ... and it's all mine :) As per normal it's printed 22 x 44 inches on canvas, and finished with a high gloss spray. Only sold one copy to date though :(

    Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!


    Colin -

  3. #3
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Isle of Mull

    Quote Originally Posted by john w revie View Post
    This is one of my favorite photos of 2008. The reason behind this statement is that it took over year from first seeing this view and having the right conditions to photograph it. although Croabh Haven,is only 2 miles form home,every time the conditions looked right by the time I had arrived at my chosen spot the weather and/or light conditions had changed.
    A magnificent photo John and would love to see it 10x as big!! I do however wonder if it wouldn't improve a touch more with some distortion control applied. Looks like v wide angle lens rather than stitched?

    Reminds me of further sailing exploit in this very stretch of water, namely very nearly sinking a Wayfarer 16 which my daughter was trying to get out from Craobh in pretty vile conditions, but no one had told me you had to check the keel stayed down in this 'unsinkable' learners craft

    Now I must start choosing a pic to add to the thread, no obvious outright winner

  4. #4
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Isle of Mull

    taken a bit of choosing from 1st year with a DSLR that really suits me and shoving aside a number of birds, static and in flight, the latter an ambition that first digital E4500 spawned but could never satisfy. A landlubbers choice as I only get to the sea 3 or 4 times a year and really enjoy every aspect of it, in this case its giving the shore a good thumping with a stiff wind joining in the fun

    Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

  5. #5
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Isle of Mull

    Sorry John but I've got two for two reasons,


    Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!


    Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    #1, was posted here in it's original state for help from the chaps here. It now hangs pride of place in the wifes' office at work, down to their help and feedback.

    #2, what started out as a brief experiment with HDR on a bored sunday afternoon, turned into my first commercial sale on canvas.

    Colin, Sean, if this thread is going to run, and with John's permission, I think it needs to be renamed to catch more attention.
    Last edited by The Blue Boy; 24th January 2009 at 07:11 PM. Reason: 'cos I'm an idiot & it shows in my spelling!

  6. #6

    Re: Isle of Mull

    Not fit to post tonight { Burns Supper} Good idea renaming the post. Post again tomorow

  7. #7
    sbartell's Avatar
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    Re: Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    Here's mine.

    It's just a guy that got off work and went to the coast with his beer. The swell was huge this day and he just needed to see it.

    The actual image isn't in (i think) it's best shape. The sky looks dull, its grainy, and the wave is simple, but its the idea that gets me. I hope you guys like it.

    Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!


  8. #8
    Jim B.'s Avatar
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    Re: Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    This little critter was very cooperative.It was using one of my plants on my front porch for feeding.I could find it there most every day this past summer.I was able to get some much needed practice for macro shots.This photo is my best to date.Shot with a Sigma 150macro on a 40D.
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  9. #9
    The Blue Boy's Avatar
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    Re: Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    Superb stuff, keep 'em coming people!

  10. #10

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    Re: Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    Maybe not ''technically'' the best but, it was a chance meeting on a local RSPB site which I have frequented for many years and had never seen, or even knew they where there!!

    Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!


  11. #11
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    It looks pretty good Peter and, to my mind, shows the beast behaving true to its natural environment. They say you go to Richmond Park for good Deer shots, but is is really the same beast that tame and with no chance to sidle off into cover that is one of its primary behaviour patterns?

    BTW: when going for our local semi-wild herd I usually try to get a zoomed in mug-shot as well; perhaps you did.

  12. #12

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    Re: Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    BTW: when going for our local semi-wild herd I usually try to get a zoomed in mug-shot as well; perhaps you did.
    Unfortunately there was no time on this occasion, I had enough time to take 4 or 5 shots and they were gone.
    This was taken at the long end of my 70-200 and is a slight crop already, would have needed a 500 to get a decent close up (bit to pricey for me!!)


  13. #13

    Re: Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    This was taken when I visited Canada for the first time.
    I drove to this place to see the Harrisons Hot Springs Sand Sculpture Festival , on reaching there I was amazed by the view of the location, it was awesome.
    You can view more photos of the Sand Sculpture Festival (Day 1) here
    Canada Sand Sculpture Festival
    Attaching one of my favorite view
    Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!


  14. #14

    Re: Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    Quote Originally Posted by CambridgeBlue View Post
    Unfortunately there was no time on this occasion, I had enough time to take 4 or 5 shots and they were gone.
    This was taken at the long end of my 70-200 and is a slight crop already, would have needed a 500 to get a decent close up (bit to pricey for me!!)

    Hi Peter ,
    Next time you should rent a 500mm lens :-) .... It is really worth.


  15. #15
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Re: Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    Wow...there are already some GREAT shots here. Choosing my favorite photo of the year is like being asked to pick which of my children is my favorite. Having said that, I only have one so I'll pick her, now I have to pick a photo. I'll qualify it as one of my favorites. The story is that, in July, I was attending a street jam session prior to a bluegrass festival in the small town of Etna in northern California. There were musicians and wannabe musicians wandering and jamming on the street which had been blocked off. A man had parked his 1915 Dodge in an abandoned gas station and left his dog in the car while he worked nearby. The lighting was late afternoon sun which is warm light but the sunlight was coming through the smoke of a serious forest fire which warmed and flattened the light even more. With the good lighting I got a number of good shots of the car and dog but the posted one is my favorite. It wasn't posed, I just caught it as it happned. Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!


  16. #16

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    Re: Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    Not exactly my favourite photo but there is a bit of a story.

    35 years ago I built myself a fishing boat and worked it commercially ever since, but last October I finally decided to sell up and take early partial retirement. Here is that boat, the yellow one, waiting for collection by the new owner.

    Salcombe Harbour, S. Devon.
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  17. #17
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    I have lots of favourites, and for different reasons.

    This one is a favourite, because I shared some joy, with the subject.

    Libby Lenton acknowledges breaking the World 100 Freestyle Record: Australian Championships, (Beijing Team Selection) Sydney AUSTRALIA 27.03.2008


    By way of explanation: we have many friends and acquaintances in the International Swimming Community.

    We understand what it means to commit to 0400hrs starts six days a week and then back up for another afternoon training session, each day, and have only two weeks off a year.

    All this for one moment to prove one's worth, which might be less than a minute, in which one might succeed or not.

    That understanding, amongst other emotions, was what I shared with this great swimmer and exceptionally lovely woman, at the moment I captured this image of her joy.


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    Last edited by William W; 28th January 2009 at 10:54 PM.

  18. #18

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    Re: Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    Hi Bill - Great shot :-)

    When you said you "shared some joy", I wasn't sure if you meant the "joy of the moment", or if you meant perhaps that she was also a friend of the family or the like? (Just wondering if there's more of a story to be dug out here ;)

    By the way, if you already have images online somewhere, it's a piece of cake to have them display inline here (if they're too big the software will automatically reduce the displayed version). I've started a "wiki" on how to do it - it's nowhere near finished - but what's there so far would probably tell you all you needed to know (just look for my last post for the latest version) (once you get the URL on the clipboard, all you need to do is post it into the "insert Image" dialog box that pops up when you click the button on the editior with the brown frame around it)

  19. #19
    Bootsy's Avatar
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    Re: Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    my favourite of 08.just the end of a perfect day
    Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

  20. #20
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Favourite Photos of 2008 - Post yours here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    Not exactly my favourite photo but there is a bit of a story.

    35 years ago I built myself a fishing boat and worked it commercially ever since, but last October I finally decided to sell up and take early partial retirement. Here is that boat, the yellow one, waiting for collection by the new owner.

    Salcombe Harbour, S. Devon.
    The image is a nice tribute to your old friend and trusty support; shed a tear then maybe you will be able to enjoy it as a 'favourite' afeter all...sniff

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