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Thread: Upgrade path from Nikon D80 body... Looking for a few suggestions

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Brandon Goffner

    Upgrade path from Nikon D80 body... Looking for a few suggestions

    First off I would like to commend this site & forum for the knowledge & tutelage it has provided for myself & others. This site & forum has been more resourceful then the actual classes I am taking.

    My question is dealing with equipment... and what would you guys use yourselves or recommend.
    I'm getting into the world of Wedding/Portrait Photography (sorry to use the W word.. I read the earlier post) but I also do fashion photography, as well as macro photography. I currently have a Nikon D80 (4yrs old), I'm asking can you guys rate the Nikon & comment on what camera specs you would look for in a camera when using it for the reasons I will & also recommended lenses:

    Nikon D80 comments-
    Wedding/Portrait Photography camera recommendations -
    Lenses -

    I dont want to buy a camera which has more than I'm loooking for, but I also want the best in what I'm looking for.

    Any feedback would be appreciated
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th February 2011 at 11:26 PM. Reason: Make thread title more informative

  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Common Question.... Looking for a few suggestions

    Hi there,

    Welcome to the CiC forums, is there any chance of a real name? thanks.

    I don't have a D80 and I'm not familiar with it, so I can't help with the first part of your query.

    Getting a new body or lens isn't going to necessarily give you better success.

    You need to work out which shortcomings of the D80 are causing problems for you, and then find a model that addresses those shortcomings. There's not a huge amount of choice really if buying new and staying Nikon, although you haven't mentioned a budgetary figure.

    Also, you haven't mentioned what lenses you have now, e.g. you may, for macro, have an 85 or 105mm lens that you could use for portraiture.

    ... and as for the W word, well, I won't even go there

    All the best,
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th February 2011 at 10:45 PM. Reason: correct typo

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Brandon Goffner

    Re: Common Question.... Looking for a few suggestions

    Thx... the bgoffner is a habit. Brandon Goffner is what it's supposed to mimic.... ill change that. But thanx for the help. I was looking for an additional camera to have and still keep the D80. And i guess my question was.... for more portrait type photography that comes along with weeding photography was there any particular cameras that are out now... rather Nikon or Canon... would any of you recommend.... as well as any lenses that seem to work for u

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Upgrade path from Nikon D80 body .... Looking for a few suggestions

    Hi Brandon,

    Thanks for putting your name in your profile panel.

    Unfortunately I don't think I can help further with your query.

    We do have Nikon D90, D200, D300, D700 and even D3 owners, perhaps one of them could pick this up?

    Beyond simple resolution upgrades, the only real differences are going to relate to ergonomics/ease of use.
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 4th February 2011 at 11:26 PM.

  5. #5
    PopsPhotos's Avatar
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    Re: Upgrade path from Nikon D80 body .... Looking for a few suggestions

    The big thing is not the camera. It is the lenses. I don't have a D80, but do have the D40, D70 and D200. Any of those would do wedding and other professional photography quite well, with the proper lenses.

    I haven't shot but two weddings since my studio days, which I closed in 1958. Then the standard requirement was a 2.0 or faster 50mm and a 2.0 or faster 100mm to 135mm. Two cameras on a harness, 10 rolls of film (minimum) for each, ASA100 Ektachrome, two studio light stands, two off-camera flash units, tripod, 250 clear flash bulbs, 100 blue flash bulbs, yellow, blue and blurring filters, one yard of cheesecloth, two reflectors, makeup kit, hair scissors, hair brush, sewing kit, assorted safety pins, hair pins and hair barrettes and 4 tons of patience was the usual load-out for a church wedding and reception.

    This modern technology has made that load-out much lighter, but hasn't changed the need for top quality lenses.


  6. #6
    pwnage101's Avatar
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    Re: Upgrade path from Nikon D80 body .... Looking for a few suggestions

    I am a D80 owner (2 yr) with lenses listed in my signature. As with any other middle-class camera the body exterior is sufficient for almost any need. The only reason you would need another body is for a sensor upgrade. The d80 is falling behind, with the d90 more than a stop better and the d7000 more so. I should probably say something like "the body isn't everything", but to be honest the noise rendition was bad for it's time and is horrendous compared to today's cameras.

    if you never shoot above ISO 400, and the shutter count isn't above 50,000, you should stick with the d80 until it burns out.

    Is your thumb grip coming off? mine is

  7. #7
    Hans's Avatar
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    Re: Upgrade path from Nikon D80 body .... Looking for a few suggestions

    Hi Brandon,

    I'd say, dual card slots, good ISO performance at the higher end, weather sealing, robust body are all good to haves (thinking weddings).

    D7000 is looking hard to beat for a DX upgrade. Great metal sealed body, duel cards for wedding photography, great dynamic range and looks like a worthy upgrade from a D90 let alone a D80.

    However, the FX D700's low light/high ISO capability is legendary but really not sure how it compares to the D7000 except to say most people still think the 700 is superior in low light at higher ISO which is a consideration in wedding photography. bigger
    files though if that is a consideration (and might be upgraded in near future). But if you can pick the difference looking at a pic then you are a better man than me!

    Lenses? What's your budget? Don't have one? 24-70, 70-200VRII, 85mmf1.4D and a macro 105mm would be a good start for the D700.
    For the D7000 maybe the DX17-55mm, 70-200VRII, 50mmf1.4D and a 50mm macro (or 60mm or 105mm). Just really think the DX vs FX issue over carefully first (as I am).

    Good luck!

  8. #8

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    Re: Upgrade path from Nikon D80 body .... Looking for a few suggestions

    Quote Originally Posted by Hans View Post
    duel cards for wedding photography
    In my opinion, dual cards are (in most cases, in case you're reading this Bill!), best practice for wedding photography. Cards CAN and DO fail, and I think many wedding photographers would attest to the fact that "Murphy was an optimist".

  9. #9
    Peter Ryan's Avatar
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    Re: Upgrade path from Nikon D80 body .... Looking for a few suggestions

    I recently upgraded from D70 to D300 for a sensor upgrade and dual card slot and I am very happy with it. I do mainly landscape but I m sure with a good lens selection you will find it suits your needs.

  10. #10
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Upgrade path from Nikon D80 body .... Looking for a few suggestions

    It's been said above but I'll reinforce it - you will be better off investing your hard earned cash on some good glass before you spend that cash on a new body.

  11. #11
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Upgrade path from Nikon D80 body .... Looking for a few suggestions

    Watching this with interest - have had a D80 for 3 years, using mostly with 80-400VR (and the wider stuff with 18-135 kit that came with it and is remarkably good for a near freebie).

    The D7000 seems the obvious choice on paper especially if, like me, you appreciate a handy size. D7000 seems the same size, but a 100 extra grams in more robust case.

    I find the D80 pretty noisy with higher ISOs and ideally keep at ISO100 as long as possible, even risking under-exposure as the latter can be easily corrected using Capture NX2 from low ISO. But you can't do it twice, ie high ISO and under-expose then hope to correct.

    I would have thought especially for wedding better high ISO performance would be really important.

    I don't think you have said what lenses you already have, but they must be quite good or you would already have upgraded. I wonder if I should have gone for 70-200VR with 2x converter, but the 80-400 was/is slightly lighter+cheaper+shorter and good except for focus speed. That is a disaster for birds, but less problem if the zoom is predictable and you can limit to long/short ranges. I am afraid you have to go for Nikkor professional standard lenses rather than the cheaper ones and it will show more with those extra pixels.(16.2 instead of 10). I suppose PP speed is going to suffer with those pixels too....newer computer, grrr.

    Anyone know if you get anything back on a used (35k shutter actions) D80, or is it better to keep it to save lens changes?

  12. #12

    Join Date
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    Re: Upgrade path from Nikon D80 body .... Looking for a few suggestions

    I have a D200 which is about equivalent to the D80 and a D700. Up to iso 400 there is no difference in IQ between the two cameras. Before talking about a new camera, consider getting good lenses. If you want to stay with the DX format I suggest a 17-55/2.8 plus a 70-200/2.8vr: if you intend to switch to the FX format, get a 24-70 instead.

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