OMG! It's a Teddy Bear dog!
She's a beauty. Would she like to come and live in Wales? Clean air, mountains, sea, as many male dogs as she wants... I'm rambling.
I prefer #2, but Lucy is great in all of them.
Nice dog. I love no 2.
ilovelucydog, keep up sharing photos!
Great images! I also like #2 the best...
Is Lucy a doodle? My goldendoodle, Holly, is my avatar...
Good picture - she looks like a sweet heart.
Yes - dog fanatic as well
I don't know what the rest of you think but I think Lucy should be made a CiC mascot alongside dear Rufus. New Moderator!
I think Sean has been very sloppy in dealing with this matter. I mean, he could have put Rufus on the site banner instead of that image of the college archway! The man has no soul.
This site is going to the dogs...