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Actually - research has been done on it. I unfortunately can't find the link now, but I remember seeing something about spiders and missing limbs. The theory was that since many spiders tangle with prey much larger than themselves, they've actually evolved the 8 limbs as an insurance policy against losing one. In the study, they found that over 30% of spiders captured had fewer than 8 limbs. And I think it was something like 7-8% had lost 2 or more legs. The study also found that spiders with 7 legs faired just as well at building webs, capturing prey, and surviving as spiders with all 8. Subsequently, spiders with 6 legs did ok, but not as well as those with 7 legs. Once you got down into 5 or fewer legs is when the spiders really started to have difficulty.
It was a very interesting article. I wish I could find it.
- Bill