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Thread: Think I messed up a post

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Panama City, FL
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    Think I messed up a post

    The two pictures below are from a series of 14 photos taken of students and an administrator for a special Cambridge International program. I only was given 7 days to shoot, process, print and mount in 11" x 14" size.

    Please be gentle as I do not much fancy myself as a portrait photographer...Seeing this, Colin will rest much easier tonight...

    Think I messed up a post

    Think I messed up a post

    Two very inexpensive, underlumed lights with umbrella reflectors and my camera flash.

  2. #2
    rob marshall

    Re: Think I messed up a post


    Nice models, and a suitable context setting. Couple of things I noticed though...

    1. The WB looked a bit warm to me. With the first one, there is a lot of red anyway with the hair and sweater, but the table top looks a bit too orange on my monitor. I cooled it a little, but not sure what it's going to look like on your monitor.

    2. The crop is a little tight on the left (shot #1) I'd say either crop a lot on a portrait, or include everything of the model.

    3. The crossed hands look a bit unusual/artificial, and as such distracts my attention away from the model's face.

    4. I would have removed the book (?) from the top of her head.

    The clarinet player shot is the better of the two, I think. Good shot.

    Think I messed up a post

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Think I messed up a post

    Ah, I wondered where the images had gone in that thread...
    Weren't there three originally? From memory, I liked the third best


  4. #4

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    Re: Think I messed up a post

    There were three at that point, Revi, but I didn't have a parent permission on #3 at that time and had to withdraw it...

    Rob, on my monitor, it too looks a tad warmish and when I got to school where the bigger printer is, I had to cool all the images down a bit, but not quite as far as yours went. As to their poses, I did nothing but ask them to sit in a manner which was comfortable to them and that they could use whatever props were natural to what identified them to their peers. If I had my way, I would have shot the girl with the Clarinet in the band room where she sits as first chair...but I was merely an extention of the camera as it were and got very little control over any of it.
    I think I am going to have to go through the tutorial again on balancing the screen to the shot...arrrrggghhhhhhhh. I still have the same monitor as with my old system but now have whole new CPU. Dang!

  5. #5
    rob marshall

    Re: Think I messed up a post

    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisC View Post
    Rob, on my monitor, it too looks a tad warmish and when I got to school where the bigger printer is, I had to cool all the images down a bit, but not quite as far as yours went.
    I probably went a bit too far, and I was doing it from a low-res JPEG. One thing I forgot to mention is that I raised the exposure about 2/3 stop. You can see the difference in the shadow areas around her eyes.

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