Just out of curiosity I decided to do some calculations about 8 bit vs 16 bit, and what I discovered surprised me.
A standard 8 bit image stores 8 bits for each of the either three or four channels. As only three of the possible four channels are useful for photography I will discuss only the R,G, and B channels. 8 bits gives you 256 possible values for each channel. Now most of you are probably aware of this, but using the three channels which cameras can capture this gives you 16,777,216 or over 16.5 million possible unique colors. If you add the alpha channel this number rises to 4,294,967,296 or over 4 billion colors.
If you are talking 16 bit per channel you have 65,536 values per channel. For a photographer this gives you 281,474,976,710,656 or more than 281 trillion possible colors (assuming there are any cameras that can capture true 16 bit color). If you add the alpha channel you can store 18,446,744,073,709,551,616

values. I'm not quite sure what the name of this number is

, but it is quite large enough for anything
