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Thread: Printing problem: Color Casts

  1. #1

    Printing problem: Color Casts

    I have an Epson 1280 and my pics have a blue cast. I just upgraded to PS CS3. The video workshop tells me to let PS to manage colors. The "Classroom in a Book" tells me to let the printer manage colors. I have tried both ways and I still get a blue cast. I can adjust it with the printer but since the pic looks great on the screen it's hard to adjust without printing every mistake. I hope someone can help me with this.

  2. #2
    crisscross's Avatar
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    Re: Printing problem

    Not a printer I know, but the steps are common to all
    1 from the Epson software & manual, identify a profile for the type of paper you are printing on
    2 choose this in the CS3 preferences (or in the print dialogue main box)
    3 having given a print command from the software you should get a 2nd stage printer dialogue box of mainly Epson provenenance which includes a choice between software managed printing or potential modifications. With last Epson 1290 I used to have it was best to enter 'none/no change' and cancel all further printer modifications

    But it is trial and error as one rarely uses a recommended paper. There are sources for paper profiles and ways of creating custom ones. Using NX2, I get a 'softproof' which shows whether a paper profile is going to badly mess what you see on screen, must be an equivalent in CS3. I then choose Canon SP4 (Canon ix4000 printer), put in a nice sheet of HP paper (and especially not Canon equiv) and get pretty good prints.

  3. #3

    Re: Printing problem: Color Casts

    Thank you, I'll try it.

  4. #4
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Printing problem: Color Casts

    Just a thought, and forgive me if it seems rather obvious, but could it be that one or more of your cartridges has a blocked nozzle, thus other colours dominate and give it the cast?

    Bit like when you use a dye sublimation printer and the various colours are added in layers, so you see the unfinished product with different 'casts' as it runs through the process.

  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Printing problem: Color Casts

    Good idea Ian (shreds),

    Kookeer, I expect there's a test or maintenance option under Printer properties that can print an Epson test page which will be geared towards exercising all the cartridges/nozzles to spot such problems. If that does show a problem, try the head cleaning option. Apologies if you knew all this.


  6. #6

    Re: Printing problem: Color Casts

    I have looked for a test page and can't find one. The nozzle check is fine. I think it is something I am not doing right. Sometimes it prints perfectly, maybe I'm trying to hard.
    Thank you for your suggestions.

  7. #7
    Daniel Salazar's Avatar
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    Re: Printing problem: Color Casts

    Hi kooker, just to know exactly what your problem is, I would like to know if that happens always, or just when you choose a specific paper profile or if it was working before and suddenly isn't it. Also, if you're working on a color managed environment?

    Knowing a little bit more could help us to rule out some possibilities.

    Last edited by Daniel Salazar; 27th January 2009 at 12:06 PM.

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