I like the fire escapes best...good angle.
I agree, fire escape shot is nice. I think I may liked the fence shot a little better had the focus been further down the fence about 10 or so feet.
Both have good b&w conversion and composition. I like both.
Thanks for the comments! I like the fire escape too. It's more post processing than I usually do, but the subject seemed to call for it and I was surprised that I liked how it turned out.
Yes, I agree that something is a bit off with the fence shot. I have found I like BW Styler as my B&W conversion application, but it has an irritating need to apply borders to the inside of the image bounderies - in other words, it covers up a portion of the image and plays havoc with the composition if you forget to plan ahead. It did so here and I will try again I think. The end result may actually be the apparent movent of the focal point to where you think it should be. I posted it because I wasn't certain I minded at first, but perhaps you're right.I agree, fire escape shot is nice. I think I may liked the fence shot a little better had the focus been further down the fence about 10 or so feet.
Thanks again folks!
I like them both, but the fence catches my eye. Keep in mind, I don't have a technical eye like so many others... I just know what I like. Nice work.
I do like that version better Steve. The far end of the fence is much less crowded and at the begining of the fence my eye does not try to start from outside the frame. It feels much improved to me. Although no I notice had you stepped back a pace you might have cleared the way for the distant tree. I can't say for sure that would then be more of a distraction though. I like it this way. =}
Last edited by jeeperman; 7th February 2011 at 02:13 AM.
Hi Steve
I really like the fire escape - a great dynamic image with the diagonals and the perspective. Good shot!
The second version of the fence feels less confined to me and I like it. I think it's easier on the eye having a bit of space between the fence and the edge of the frame. Nice work.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. It helped a lot.