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Thread: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - Archive

  1. #321

    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    August is good month with not much rain... isn't it ?
    Good month might be stretching things a bit but there are worse months! There were lots of nice days while the festival was on this year....too hot for my liking but I'm sure you'll be more used to sunshine than me

    PS I may have found a model to try for a SCP on....a friend's 4 year old daughter Will see if I can get something decent when they're up this weekend.

  2. #322
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Good month might be stretching things a bit but there are worse months! There were lots of nice days while the festival was on this year....too hot for my liking but I'm sure you'll be more used to sunshine than me
    PS I may have found a model to try for a SCP on....a friend's 4 year old daughter Will see if I can get something decent when they're up this weekend.
    Nice. I will be waiting...

  3. #323
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    This image was shot some time ago and I only came to it because I was asked to offer it for a political campaign.
    I waited until the singer turned to the others and then I shot.
    Available light.

    NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - Archive

  4. #324
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    I waited until the singer turned to the others and then I shot.
    What others? It looks like there is only you!
    What were you playing Antonio - drums?

    Seriously; I like the shot, the clarity in the crowds faces is great.
    Does the apparent distortion of the building on the left indicate a fairly WA lens, or is it really that shape?


  5. #325
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    What others? It looks like there is only you!
    What were you playing Antonio - drums? Seriously; I like the shot, the clarity in the crowds faces is great. Does the apparent distortion of the building on the left indicate a fairly WA lens, or is it really that shape? Regards,
    Dave ! How are you ?
    I was meaning the other players from the band. There were some two others one at my right and another one on my left.
    I stood for a while holding the camera in positon as I had seen the guy turned like this from time to time. I waited until I got him.
    It is insane to be on the stage without any protections for the ears. There was an awful noise which they call music produced with sounds. I have been there for may be 5 to 10 minutes and I was glad I went away or I would be deaf soon.
    The singer is a rather popular among certain people as he only sings vulgar songs.
    There is a slight distortion on the perspective but it was like that, a long and low one.
    I can´t remember but I think I was using the 16-35 with the 20D. I had not bought the 5D yet.
    I just made a slight baril lens distortion to the back.

    I have never payed any instrument in my life. May be I should because it looks very interesting to do so.
    Regards Oh... and have a nice week end !

  6. #326
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    How are you ?
    I am well thank you, I trust you are too?

    or I would be deaf soon.
    Pardon? - a silly English joke

    There is a slight distortion on the perspective but it was like that, a long and low one
    I was talking about the building behind the singer, the top looks stretched towards the corner of shot.

    I have never payed any instrument in my life. May be I should because it looks very interesting to do so.
    Nor me, sometimes wish I had, it can be a useful social skill.
    We paid for all the kids to have musical instrument lessons (Piano, flute, trumpet), but none have kept it up
    Whether they will remember enough for it to be useful later in life is debatable

    Thanks for the background information on the above shot and do have an enjoyable weekend yourself my friend

  7. #327
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Two shots.
    The original one to begin with and the same after treatment and lens correction.
    NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - Archive

    NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - Archive

    And the guy on the right of me while shooting. No, it is not an advertise.
    NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - Archive

    Not two shots but three

  8. #328
    CNelson's Avatar
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    I hope this is non-square enough. It's 1:1.25 aspect ratio, same as 8x10. I took a series of shots yesterday at an event at my daughter's church in Modesto, CA. I wasn't there to take pictures but the camera usually goes where I go. I noticed these guys in a basketball contest and noticed that they were concentrating hard to make each shot count and also squinting into the sun. Not optimal lighting normally but it added a bit of drama so I thought I would try to catch some expressions. I got about three interesting shots and decided to post one here. It's hand held Canon 5D MK II with 70-200 2.8 lens. The image is heavily cropped and I pushed it around a bit in post processing to get the feel I wanted.


    NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - Archive

  9. #329

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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Hi Antonio,

    Very interesting effect with #2 - I'd never have thought of doing that after a correction. Very "out of the box" thinking

  10. #330
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Quote Originally Posted by CNelson View Post
    ...The image is heavily cropped ...Chuck...
    Hello Chuck
    I would like to drop a line on your photo and myself make a treatment of it.
    Would you please post the raw photo please ?
    Thank you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Hi Antonio, Very interesting effect with #2 - I'd never have thought of doing that after a correction. Very "out of the box" thinking
    Hello Colin,
    A stronger lens correction would effect the singer's face too much. This little correction was to enhance the perspective og the scene.
    May be I should have cloned some other parts of the image as for example the spots at far away and the white building at the left but, at the moment I was doing the photo, I didn't see that
    It happens to me sometimes that I have to do the photo once or twice to get a better perception of certain details. The first time I look and I don't see.
    Better yet is to move to another photo and come back to see again under "new" eyes.


  11. #331
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Hi Antonio:

    Here's the original, converted from RAW to JPEG with no manipulation. You will see that it's out of kilter as I was focusing on the face and not paying attention to framing and level. In the end I captured the face I was after but it's a bit messy.


    NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - Archive

  12. #332
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    But Chuck can't you post an extra large file.
    This one is so so low that I see too many pixels.
    Or is it because of the size of the photo, or... I don't know.

  13. #333
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    But Chuck can't you post an extra large file.
    This one is so so low that I see too many pixels.
    Or is it because of the size of the photo, or... I don't know.
    Antonio...I was trying to keep the post to a reasonable size. I can't find it now but when I first came to this forum I recall a pixel size limit and so I post at a medium size. Am I incorrect on this?


  14. #334
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Quote Originally Posted by CNelson View Post
    Antonio...I was trying to keep the post to a reasonable size. I can't find it now but when I first came to this forum I recall a pixel size limit and so I post at a medium size. Am I incorrect on this? Chuck
    Sorry Chuck but I can't help you because I don't know about this matter.
    I just post my images on a site - SmugMug - and link them here.
    I have the choice of Small, Large and Extra Large. Sorry.
    I am sure Colin will give us a hand.
    Thank you Chuck for your efforts

  15. #335
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Here is one of mine:
    This on is shot on a festival in Venlo (at the finish of a Vuelta course).
    NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - Archive
    The expresson on the little boys face caugt my eye. His older brother gives seems to show al little different personality, or at least less 'fear' of what is going to happen (the boys were facing the big stage).
    It was a bright day with harsh sunlight falling in form behind me, but the crowd was in the stage's shadow. So I cropped of everything but these two boys and went searching for a bit of flat and warm looking post processing with some less colour because their skin and haircolour was already flat because of the light conditions.
    This is an sepia filter over an 80% opacity black and white layer of te original colourd one wich is used as the background here.
    I hope you like it

  16. #336
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Hello Jeroen

    I am not a judge you know...
    I usually give my opinion and share what I know... and also what I don't

    And yes I do like your picture.
    May be a little too tight: should need more field on both sides. You can try if you wish and let us have a look.
    And I would like to see the young boy's eyes.
    May be it is my monitor but they seem too dark. I can hardly see them.

    And - but this you can't control - the background is not very convenient but under the circumstances of the scene you did a good work.

    I also like your treatment.
    Keep posting please and thank you for doing so.

  17. #337
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Here is the redone version of my previous.
    NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - Archive
    I made the little boy's eyes a little bit lighter with the dodge tool.
    I didn't to anything about the crop because that would result in a big background change.
    On the left of the the man in the white shirt there is a big tree wich results in a peace of bright green on the image's edge. On the right there's a girl with a bright blue shirt, so that would do the same but there would also be her half head in the picture.
    So I decided to leave it like this.

  18. #338
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Thank you Jeroen

    We will be waiting for more nice images


  19. #339
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Quote Originally Posted by CNelson View Post
    Hi Antonio: Here's the original, converted from RAW to JPEG with no manipulation. You will see that it's out of kilter as I was focusing on the face and not paying attention to framing and level. In the end I captured the face I was after but it's a bit messy. Chuck
    How can I treat a photo for Chuck when he has such fantastic images and he knows far more than I do ?

    The more I learn the more I understand that I know nothing.

  20. #340
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: NON Square Cropped Portraits - (nSCP's) - please post them here

    Quote Originally Posted by CNelson View Post
    Antonio...I was trying to keep the post to a reasonable size. I can't find it now but when I first came to this forum I recall a pixel size limit and so I post at a medium size. Am I incorrect on this?
    Hi Chuck,

    It is true we like to keep them reasonable, but a width of 1000 or even 1200 pixels is generally OK.

    Or use
    I haven't used it, but Colin recommends them.


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