Nicola I think I did not made myself understand correctly.
You understand: a Portuguese and an Italian in a written conversation in English !
Assuming I have correctly understood your problem here we go.
First Nicola you have to read the darn manual. Yes I know it is a hell of a bore.

Better: don't read it: make consultations from time to time to get used to read it and to know where things are. This is what I do.
But I am going to try to write something about those C1 and C2 sets and anyone will correct if I don't explain correctly.
Suppose you are going to take pictures in two situations: A and B
A is on the beach and B is inside a house with little light.
For situation
A (beach) you will need
100 ISO and Speed priority for example.
For situation
B (inside the dark house) you need
800 ISO and Aperture priority.
Then, you set in your camera the dial
C1 for situation A (beach) and
C2 for situation B (inside the dark house).
Then, when you come into the room (from the beach) you switch your dial to position
C2 and you are ready to shoot.
Suddenly you need to go outside because there is a nice beautiful girl (I just remembered the scandal with your prime minister

) you must shoot. Then Nicola, you change the dial to
C1 and you are ready for the go.
Regarding your picture, I am afraid but if it is blurred it is blurred and that's it ! There is very little to do. Don't despair Nicola. You will do better next time.
Some guide lines for the next time you take pictures of your son (it's your son isn't it ?

) indoor and at night (tough situation): ISO 800 Aperture priority and lens at the position it is wider opened (that is if it is aperture variable when you zoom), make yourself stable using your elbows on the table, stop breading when you shoot and shoot in a row of 3 at the time. Perhaps the middle one is the one as your finger is not traveling at that moment.
Better yet: get a flash off camera.
One more thing: sometimes blurred images are also nice images. Try to convert it to black and white and if you print it, place it rather far and you will see how beautiful the child is