A little divergence in thought, here as I reflect on a very bountiful and busy two weeks in which I won or tied for first in nine competitions. In one aspect, winning was an affirmation by my peers I was finally on the right track in my development both as a photographer and as a post productionist. In a second, and far more introspective reflection, I have begun to wonder if I am really learning or merely working toward the win and I fear the latter as I found this last weekend, I was still struggling with things that should be coming to me far more naturally. It is sort of a bittersweet success.
Pops and Donald hit upon this recently in response to Katy’s “More Winter” thread (in an odd sort of way, but in a way that talked to me) in saying that what we learn today is good for today and tomorrow is a whole new lesson. There is a lot of truth to that sentiment and to Donald’s musings that we tend to do far too much racing forward when we should be sitting back and soaking it in for understanding and perhaps, pointed introspection.
Digital is a wondrous invention as it does allow for shoot, reshoot, re-shoot again and again until we get our wanted effect. I think instead, perhaps I need to stop ever so often and literally smell the roses I am shooting. In the last three days, I’ve only shot eight frames and done post production on two others I’ve held back to practice with. I am certainly not suggesting everyone stop shooting or drop Photoshop for a walk through the proverbial bed of roses but I am suggesting that one should take time to allow the learned things to permeate rather than just sit on the surface. For me, I am going back to the basics and really concentrating on focus, aperture, focal length, shutter, light and other camera operations, while as well, cracking open a few of the amassed PS books. I am going to relearn and come at this with a more directed focus.
I still have a few images to post, but soon the larder will be empty and I suspect it will be awhile before I refill it. I thank everyone who has voted for my images and want you to know they were shot from the heart and soul but I need to have it more right within me and know that what I am presenting also comes from artistry and knowledge. I won’t be far from the threads, and will continue to post images for critique and comment but my competition posting days are going to slow considerably…it has been fun; I feel quite honored to be among this fine group of fellow photographers.
Collectively, you have all taught me so much….and yet…so much to learn…so much to learn. TTFN