I wish I had the expression on the . . . um . . . lady bird's face, but she's turned the wrong way. We were on a photo trip through a wetlands preserve, and the boat captain made sure we didn't miss this interesting wildlife capture --
mmm Dogs doing, ducks ducking, ladybirds laying and Seagulls .....anyway I have spotted a trend here. Its only a stones throw from having to pay a subscription by AdultCheck. Now having thought about my contributions I decided I probably would not only be banned but possibly arrested and in any case everyone seemed to be a little stand-offish when I asked for volunteers around the office. And I thought it only fair they should pay toward a second flash gun. Miserable so and sos. Then I thought about Stanley Spencer but the butchers didn't have a joint of beef large enough....so when all fails....origami
well where's the shot of you in your pink cammos (they do make them in pink/green pattern i've seen them...actually I might post you some )
I was brave enough to Ms Hepburn look - so come on I'm sure that wee pink camera has a self timer setting
Actually I think this couple are trying to find their way south ( or should that be north for you) for the winter...
Her: "turn left here I'm sure of it"
Him: "I'm driving I know where we're going"
Her: " what are you doing now then? "
Him: "just checking my GPS that I have tucked under my feathers...won't be a minute"