AV shutter 3.2 ev-1.33 f29 60mm
AV 6sec f18 60mm
I have this gorgeous spray of orchids but the colors are, obviously, very saturated. I remember, back in October, reading about noise and/vs. "blowing out" with deep colors and, so, put the exposure down a bit on the first one. I feel like I'm having trouble getting that one to be vibrant. Then, on the second one, there's no exposure compensation but, it's hard to do anything with it in post processing without blowing the parts of the petals that are red and close to the center. You know, though, as I'm typing this, I'm realizing that I spot metered on the white in the center. Now, why did I do that? Also, it was just natural light from the window and I am thinking that, on the first one, I hadn't thought to turn the orchid, yet.
I'm not terribly fond of these shots and these flowers are a bit beat up but I will have a week or two to work on these as more of the buds open and, would appreciate your insight.